Joey Heatherton

Image of Joey Heatherton
When I tried out for cheerleader, they sneered, 'You're too good, kid,' and put me in the high-kick line instead. It was pure jealousy, if you ask me.
- Joey Heatherton
Collection: Jealousy
Image of Joey Heatherton
I looked 18 when I was 13.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I want to be on the big stage. Broadway. I was there before.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
The 'Hullabaloo' spot established me as a variety performer.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I can't help the way I look. What am I supposed to do, put a plastic bag over my head?
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
My parents were dead set against my becoming a professional performer before I finished college. They felt the most important thing a girl can have in any career is education.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I've had some life, and it got pretty accelerated, really quite exciting but very dangerous.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
Our family is very close and since I'm not one for cooking or answering alarm clocks on the first ring, I depend on mother.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
Dad always wanted me to be a boy.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I think the prettiest play in football is the pass.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I believe in theatrics, and I believe in show biz.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I don't have a special diet.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
Maybe it's psychosomatic, but I think if I eat well, I'll sing or dance well.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I eat what I want, usually one meal In the daytime and one at night.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
Once when I was making a picture in Hollywood, one of the directors who was a health addict was always trying to got me to eat organic bread, tiger milk and yoghurt, I must say the only thing I liked was the strawberry yoghurt.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I'll crumble off a little tuna on a plate, sprinkle with lemon and spear the pieces with colorful toothpicks, so it looks festive and appetizing.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I like to get the audience involved in my act by walking among the tables and getting people to ask me questions.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
The first thing I do in the morning is get a couple of cups of coffee down my throat to get my heart started. Then, if the weather is pleasant, I jog as much as five miles, if I feel up to it.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I make sure that I work out on the mat and the trapeze. That helps tone the legs and arms. Following that, I may lift some 5- or 10-pound weights. That's good for maintaining a nice round figure, if you know what I mean.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I love my music. It gets written by some very great writers.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I love my audiences.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I don't approve of any of kind of violence, but I'll always support my country.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
Violence and disrespect for your country are going to get you nowhere.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I like Los Angeles. I've been able to do a lot there - swim, ski, go riding. But California isn't very stimulating.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I like New York because of the fast tempo there.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I like working with my father.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
Once in awhile, for a special occasion, I get really dressed up, but that kind of an occasion doesn't happen very often. So I don't really need much besides jeans.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I love to work.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I just love to perform. It's my life.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I don't think anyone is ever past the stage of learning.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
That's what New York is all about, pulling together.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I can't draw right or left-handed!
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
Show business is in my blood.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I never wanted to do anything but get into show biz. But believe me, success didn't come overnight. And I shed a lot of tears - like in school, when all the other kids in class made fun of me. They just hated me because I could sing and dance.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
During my first tour of Vietnam, John Steinbeck and his wife were there and we had Christmas dinner together.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
In the past my career emphasized variety, singing, dancing and only some acting.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
In 'Of Mice And Men' I play a straight dramatic role and I'm the only female in the play.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
People forget I'm an actress.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I wanted to be in show business before I could get out of my crib.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
My mother was a dancer and my first ambition was to dance, but now that I've had some acting experience I want to become a very good actress.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I really work at a part to do it to the best of my ability. And I'm studying acting as well as keeping up with my singing and dancing lessons.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I was born Davenie Johanna Heatherton, but my name was abbreviated for practical purposes.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
When I started making movies, they tried to change my name, but I had already made a name for myself in a couple of Broadway productions and in television, so I wouldn't change it.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I never talk money.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
Just making people feel good, that's what I try to do. I love it, I love it!
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
A lot of people think of me only as a cute, sexy blonde.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
I'm not just Joey. I'm a performer. I can sing, dance and I can act.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
Few people remember that I played a nun in the Broadway musical, 'the Sound of Music.'
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
Bob Fosse, the choreographer. is a very, very good friend. He has helped me enormously.
- Joey Heatherton
Image of Joey Heatherton
If ever remarry, it won't be for kicks. Marriage is too special.
- Joey Heatherton