Joanna Page

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I think as actors we just have to appreciate what we've been given. We have got such a tendency to moan all the time! I can't bear it when I am working with actors and everything has to be difficult or worthy.
- Joanna Page
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Stacey was such an amazing part, it put me on the map and it means I can pick and choose how I want to live my life and what projects I do. I'm so grateful for this part. It is a joy!
- Joanna Page
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Every day people come up to me and say lovely things, which always puts a smile on my face.
- Joanna Page
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My parents wanted me to go to university, they said I needed something to fall back on and I said: 'No I don't!'
- Joanna Page
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I really enjoy presenting and it works a lot better with a family as you don't have to go away for weeks on end.
- Joanna Page
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For the first six months after I had Eva I was away working filming two shows back to back. I had my mum looking after her on set but it was so tough as all I wanted to do was spend time with my new baby.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I really like being in a really big family. It's always so noisy and loud and it feels like we are one big pack.
- Joanna Page
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There is too much pressure to get back in shape after having a baby.
- Joanna Page
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My mother-in-law trained as a nurse in a 1960s gynae ward.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I've always believed in a woman's right to choose. If you're bringing a baby into the world and there are reasons why you couldn't cope, or know that you wouldn't hugely love it, then it should be your choice not to go through with it.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I had a condition called placenta praevia, which is when the placenta is in the wrong place. Mine was double-sized, too low down and growing over my cervix.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I don't like lots of objects.
- Joanna Page
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I don't think there's a heaven or a hell and I don't think we come back. That said, when something terrible happens in my life, the first thing I do is pray.
- Joanna Page
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I can't stand people who always have to be right.
- Joanna Page
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I'm good at talking to people, and people do seem to tell me things.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I want to go in, do my job and get home again.
- Joanna Page
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I'm so fortunate to be in a job like the one that I'm in.
- Joanna Page
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Thing is, when you're a mother, you're juggling everything, and everybody and making sure that everything's alright and getting food on the table.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I'm really enjoying playing mothers, it just feels a bit more grown-up.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
If you're doing a job that you love, why would you give it up?
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
Dealing with homeschooling in itself has made me realise I can't do a seven-year-old's maths - and also that my children don't respect me as they respect a teacher.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I home-schooled for about two weeks, then I said we're not doing this any more.
- Joanna Page
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It's fantastic how people have managed to adapt, to keep on helping people during the coronavirus, and we need to highlight it and celebrate it.
- Joanna Page
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I think I will always be seen as this small blonde 20 year old even in my fifties.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
Having a child changes the way you are. So many more things are important because they learn from what they watch.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I like living in the moment.
- Joanna Page
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Lily Pickering, who plays my daughter on 'The Syndicate,' was just utterly, utterly adorable.
- Joanna Page
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I'm obsessed with Agatha Christie, my favourite film is 'Death On the Nile.'
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
There was a time when I thought I was never going to get out of a corset. I wondered when I would get the chance to play a modern girl in a pair of jeans. Now people know me so much from 'Gavin & Stacey,' playing precisely that part.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I love Amy Pond. I think Karen Gillan is brilliant.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
It's brutal doing TV and film castings but at least your agents phone and tell you the bad news. If you're doing West End auditions they just tell you there and then in front of everyone.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
If 'Gavin And Stacey' helps me to get more jobs more easily that would be great but as long as Mum and Dad, Nan and Auntie Edna are happy with it all, then I will be too. Because that's what matters at the end of the day, isn't it?
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
People keep saying 'household name' and things like that to me. I'm just really happy that I can find work.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I'm energetic and I'm feisty like my alter-ego was in 'Gavin and Stacey,' but I'm actually far more serious.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
In fact, I can be really grumpy and irritable, well that's what my husband says.
- Joanna Page
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I get grumpy if I am tired, stressed or hungry.
- Joanna Page
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I'm pretty stubborn and I can flare up quite easily.
- Joanna Page
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I just love improvising! It's so exciting and really funny.
- Joanna Page
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It's quite liberating not being tied to a script.
- Joanna Page
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To be honest for me I just love acting.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I really loved filming 'The Syndicate' as it was exciting to play someone serious and give a dramatic, heart felt performance.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I worked in BHS, but I was only there for a couple of weeks before I got fired because I needed the Saturday off to go to drama club. I was useless - I was so bored. There was nothing to do, so I'd go and do a circuit of the store, throwing jumpers on the floor, then go and pick them up.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I have to keep Dune perfume in my dressing room, because I always wear it, but I must never put it on in case it makes me choke.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I couldn't care if some theatre reviewer thinks my American accent sounds a bit Welsh.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I'm naturally blonde.
- Joanna Page
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I never dreamed of modelling.
- Joanna Page
Image of Joanna Page
I see myself as down to earth, quite simple, tomboyish.
- Joanna Page
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Superdrug Vitamin E Illuminating Moisture Cream is absolutely amazing.
- Joanna Page
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I've always wanted to be in 'Doctor Who' and now to be in it and playing Queen Elizabeth I is absolutely fantastic, so exciting.
- Joanna Page