Jim Rash

Image of Jim Rash
We all know that technology has advanced to the point of watching TV online.
- Jim Rash
Collection: Technology
Image of Jim Rash
I think there's a fear of disconnect sometimes; communication is a huge issue for all of us, from adults to kids, as far as our face-to-face time and our ability to interact with each other without isolating itself to a phone. I think that has to be something that's very challenging.
- Jim Rash
Collection: Communication
Image of Jim Rash
'Dexter,' while the pilot shares moments with the novel that created the character of Dexter, they completely abandoned the book from that moment on.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
Some people like to purge out a draft and just let it go and then go back and fix it, but I'm a writer-rewriter. I can't move on until I feel like it's presentable.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
Working out has always been a stress reliever for me. I don't know if it's so much vanity as it more just keeps my mind from going crazy.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
Technology has changed, and we need to figure out how to improve the archaic way of what makes a hit, or how to determine how many viewers are watching beyond some people with Nielsen boxes in a small percentage of homes in random areas.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
Some people will ruin a movie for you if they enthuse too much.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
Even with the fact that I grew up in North Carolina, 'Jim Rash' just screams 'Southern boy.'
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
There are a lot of shows that have been saved because the fans weighed in.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
On the personal level, the people that follow you on Twitter are always nice to hear from.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
As far as working with actors, I feel very comfortable working in that aspect of directing.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
If there's ever going to be a challenge for an actor, it's that character who's often evolving - which is not often the case in television.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
Wherever a writer grew up, they're obviously influenced by that area, and I'm sure their characters are pulled from those experiences.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
I've certainly been someone who has loved to mine the trials and tribulations of growing up in general, and the people who are in our lives, and I don't mind pulling from them and writing things down on my phone that my family says.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
Honestly, it's terrible, but I don't know if I've ever really read a Stephen King novel.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
In a weird way, the drama behind the stage was sort of keeping 'Community' on people's minds.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
If you're a writer, the insight of other writers - if there's some kind of Holy Grail message on how to deal with writer's block or how to deal with any problem that can come up - whether you're writing about yourself or a group of people, I find that very interesting.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
I think what's wonderful is that 'Community' has always had its voice, has always had it's vision, and that started from the very beginning.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
There's always something exciting about small change.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
Writing sketches, you're also learning about a journey and characters, and you translate that to bigger things.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
The passion to explore and not be afraid to fail - that's something I will always attribute to the Groundlings.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
My acting has always been in the world of comedy, but in my writing, other than writing sketches, I really am drawn to the balance between comedy and drama. I like things that sort of toe that line of one minute you're in this emotional space and then all of the sudden something happens.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
If someone said, 'Sit down and write a 'Community' episode,' I would be panicked.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
Improv has been immensely beneficial to me as both an actor and a writer.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
A sketch is just a mini movie.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
In television, the writer-creator-showrunner is embraced as the creative mind.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
On the movie side of things, the difficulties come with so few movies being made, and when they are, it seems that it's a marketing game. Story sometimes takes a backseat to that one grand marketing idea.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
When you're talking about people like Shonda Rhimes, Vince Gilligan or Beau Willimon, you're talking to people who are notable and celebrities in their own right. People want to know how their brains work.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
For there to be a 'Community' movie just seems like an appropriate way for the show to go out. That would be my perfect end.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
When I teach sketch writing, there's still a beginning, middle and end.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
For young boys, just to know you exist in any capacity is a strong feeling.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
I think that getting responsibility and structure are huge parts of growing up.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
I think the networks, in general, have to evaluate what's happening around them. I'm sure they're scared about a lot of things: Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, and all these places that allow people to watch shows in chunks.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
I think the community that's created within a writers' room is a very interesting topic.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
I feel like my experience on 'Community' was that I saw just how important that first year is for a series. That is where you work all the pieces out, and that means honing the characters' voices, setting that tone, finding your angle.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
Look at people that influenced me - but I didn't know if I had that sort of 'I'm going to take you under my wing' person.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
I think that... I would say that sometimes people get afraid of when you're balancing comedy and drama.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
As long as a teaser saves some things, that's good.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
I loved 'Lost,' from beginning to end.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
I watch too much TV.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
I think fans have an outlet. Through social media, you can hear them.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
People are vocal, so you hear the pros and cons of your shows.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
Can you imagine watching 'All in the Family' and having an outlet like Twitter? Where you could discuss it while it's happening? I think that would be a really interesting thing.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
With writing, I love doing it, but there's that love-hate relationship: You're not having a good run, you've hit a wall; it's frustrating.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
I think what's cool about a body-switching movie is, 'The grass is always greener:' the idea that someone else has a better life than I do.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
My family was perfect.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
Nobody is completely perfect.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
You'd just die if you put your head to the grindstone.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
I think most co-directors and co-writers just hold hands.
- Jim Rash
Image of Jim Rash
To me, if people really want to improvise, get into classes and learn.
- Jim Rash