Jerry Reinsdorf

Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
One of my friends, picture of health, worked out his whole life, never had a weight problem. Calls me up one day and says, 'I have pancreatic cancer.' Gone. I've lost too many friends.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
Live every day like it's you're last because one day you'll be right.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
I love Mark Buehrle. He's just a fun guy.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
Sometimes you pay a premium to get what you want.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
If I hadn't been fair, I would never have made the $6 billion in real estate deals that I did. I mean, if you're not fair, people don't want to deal with you.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
I never heard of anyone saying they want to deploy their capital wisely and go buy a sports franchise. What you want to do is just not lose money. You see, I don't have to work anymore. I tell people I don't have a real job. On the other hand, I learned long ago that you can't go broke if you turn a profit.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
My greatest moment as a jock occurred when I was 14 and playing punch ball in front of my house on Albemarle Road near East 17th Street in Brooklyn. I ran back, back for a ball, and it fell in my hands. I didn't even see it. Everyone congratulated me on the catch, and I never told them how it really happened.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
If you're doing something wrong, you deserve to be caught.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
Baseball is a poorly run business.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
I haven't said anything bad about Fay Vincent publicly, and I won't. I like him personally.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
It's bad for baseball to have owners who can benefit another business by losing money in baseball.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
I had a vision of how basketball should be played. And the vision was the Knicks teams that won the championship in 1970 and 1973. I wanted a team that emphasized defense. I wanted a team that on offense had a system where players moved off the ball, and the ball moved.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
Baseball and its teams are proud of the sport's long-standing role as a change agent in American culture and society.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
We strongly believe that children should not be exposed to smokeless tobacco or see such products being used by their on-field sports heroes.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
They'd have to force me to take the All-Star Game. They take over the building, your season-ticket holders have to be in a lottery to see if they get tickets, and then they don't get a good ticket. Really, no good can come out of it, and all it can do is upset your fans.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
I had been a basketball fan growing up, and I felt that if we brought in the proper coach, and we played basketball the old fashioned way - where defense is paramount and offense involved movement off the ball and movement of the ball - we could build a winning team, and Chicago would respond to that.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
When I bought the team, I wasn't thinking about a new arena. But obviously I'm very proud of the contributions that the Bulls franchise has made to the community between Chicago Bulls Charities and the re-development of the West Side with the United Center being the catalyst.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
A team is supported by the community, and a team must support its community.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
I just put people together. I just identified jobs that have to be filled. And then I have to go out and find the right people and make sure they talk to each other. So I'm the beneficiary of good things that other people do. I get credit for that. If they don't do a good job, I get the blame for it.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
I'm a boring guy. I don't play golf. I read, but how many books can I read?
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
I don't think people realize how much I love basketball. A lot of people think because of this idiotic comment I made that I love baseball and don't like basketball. Baseball came first because if you grew up in Brooklyn in the 1940s, that was the No. 1 thing. But if you have more than one kid, you love them both.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
I was a Knicks fan until the day I bought the Bulls.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
There must be free and open interdepartmental discussion and consideration of everyone's ideas and opinions. These internal discussions must not be considered an invasion of turf, and must remain private... When everyone is on the same page, trust develops, and teams can grow and succeed together.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
I do sincerely hope the Cubs win a World Series. After I die.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
I know I could have a better public image if I were less open, if I ducked more issues and didn't speak out. But it's not my nature.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
Everyone loved my father. He was so nice that people took advantage of him. We were lower middle class. I slept in the hallway on a cot that rolled away during the day, and my younger brother and sister slept in my parents' room. My goal as a kid was to someday have my own room and to own a car - and I wanted to be able to take care of my parents.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
Basketball is a game. Baseball is a religion. Baseball is American.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Collection: Basketball
Image of Jerry Reinsdorf
Paul Konerko is one of the greatest players in White Sox history, not only for his strength and performance on the field, but also for his heart and leadership off the field.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Collection: Heart