Jeremy Stephens

Image of Jeremy Stephens
I got heart, baby. That's all I got.
- Jeremy Stephens
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I just want to fight whoever is in front of me.
- Jeremy Stephens
Image of Jeremy Stephens
Some fighters think just because they're on TV they deserve all this attention and all this pay. I disagree.
- Jeremy Stephens
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I think it's kind of cool that we start out at the bottom, because then you have to work your way up. The pay may not be the best at first, but if you fight and work your way up, you get paid like the best. Even if we're not getting paid millions of dollars, there's always that bonus, which makes guys fight hard and strive to get better.
- Jeremy Stephens
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I love Muhammad Ali and Jake LaMotta. I've always watched those old classic boxing matches. I like the way they fought. They came to fight. That's what I respect.
- Jeremy Stephens
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I want to take advantage of all the opportunities that come my way.
- Jeremy Stephens
Image of Jeremy Stephens
When I have the right mentality, I can do whatever I set my mind to.
- Jeremy Stephens
Image of Jeremy Stephens
Interim titles, I think you get paid the same as you would the regular title, so any chance I get to make that type of money, bring it on.
- Jeremy Stephens
Image of Jeremy Stephens
Gilbert Melendez is one of the toughest guys of all-time.
- Jeremy Stephens
Image of Jeremy Stephens
There's 3 types of people in this world: there's talkers, there's watchers, and there's doers.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Mma
Image of Jeremy Stephens
You've got to give up who you are now for who you want to be in the future.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Jeremy Stephens
You find out what type of man you are.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Men