Jens Martin Skibsted

Image of Jens Martin Skibsted
Design has long gone from tinkering and sketching of auteurs in isolation to a powerful catalyzer of growth.
- Jens Martin Skibsted
Image of Jens Martin Skibsted
From NASA putting a man on the moon to DARPA developing what later became the Internet, the U.S. government, through a host of different public agencies, has provided direct financing not only of basic research but also public venture capital; both Apple and Tesla have received direct public funding.
- Jens Martin Skibsted
Image of Jens Martin Skibsted
I believe that to further strategic growth and development via design, we need to have a set of public design policies.
- Jens Martin Skibsted
Image of Jens Martin Skibsted
The nature of design is to synthesize disparate perspectives and create a richer end product through collaboration and iteration.
- Jens Martin Skibsted
Image of Jens Martin Skibsted
Effective altruism is a philosophy and social movement which tries to work out the most effective ways to improve the world. Effective altruists - conform to old-school utilitarian principles - consider all causes and actions, and then act in the way that they believe brings about the greatest positive impact.
- Jens Martin Skibsted