Jean-Marc Vallee

Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
When you move handheld, and the director of photography has the courage to shoot with no lights, the set becomes a space of creativity and freedom where actors can move wherever they want to move.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Collection: Courage
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I respect the British a lot - their history, their past, their culture. I think it's beautiful, what they have with the monarchy.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Collection: Respect
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
When you hear a solo piano, there's a solitude about just one instrument playing. It can be beautiful; it can be sad.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I had written 'Cafe de Flore' with 'Stairway to Heaven' in mind.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
When I see great film, I have this feeling of 'Oh, wow! Wasn't that great? Wasn't that good?' I want to do something. I want to scream and go out there and participate and embrace life.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I look back, and I've got a couple of films, and I'm happy.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I'm Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Adrenaline makes me change.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I'm from the 'less is more' school. I had to be in the 'more is more' zone with 'Dallas Buyers Club', so I was out of my comfort zone, but I had to trust that.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
In a career, when you hit 40 and you've done a lot of this and that, you want to try some new things. I feel like that as a director, too, from one film to the other.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I couldn't stand still at a desk for another year. I wanted to go out there and make films.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I'm always aiming for some magic in films if I can find a mystical quality either in a song or in a moment or a character's intention.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
Trust the acting.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
As a director, try to be humble and not to overdo it, not overcoverage and over-covering the scene.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
Just film what's there, trust what came before, one hour before, and make it easy.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
You've got to trust your instincts, your judgment and trust the storytelling that came before and the quality of the acting with the emotion.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
There's a way of filming where you can get rid of the vanity and of trying to make something beautiful.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
When I do a mix tape for my kids, for my friends, for my lover, I meticulously choose the tracks, and it's beautiful. And when they are alone they think of me - and when I am alone I think of them.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I love those films where I feel the director's confidence - where he doesn't need to overdo it with the shots and the cuts.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I only made one film with a score, and I hate it. I hate the score of that film. It's not coming from me. I had nothing to do with it.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
It can be a machine. The machine tries to make money and forget about the heart and the art. Hollywood is more about making money.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I like character-driven stuff that shows humanity and something that can make people think.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
You get to become a kid again when you work with kids. They do crazy stuff.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
It's tough to work with kids. Kids are animals!
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I'm a writer and director, and I like to do that, but for some reason, it's become part of the industry and part of the job to go, 'Alright, let's talk about it!'
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I think we give too much importance to artists talking about the art and the film and the books and the plays and the music - it's done; the material is there. But we talk about it because it's part of the game. I'm comfortable with it.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I have two sons, and at 16, they were into Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, and a lot of British rock.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I was attached to 'Sharp Objects' before 'Big Little Lies,' actually.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
'Sharp Objects' was scary, unknown territory for me. I wouldn't pick this kind of material to direct if you just gave me the book. Amy Adams was the force that drove me in.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I was supposed to do only one or two episodes of 'Big Little Lies,' but I realized I couldn't just step away.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
Directing on a 90-day schedule, whether for a TV series or a feature film, it's crazy; it's a marathon.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I love to offer a playlist to the world, almost like being a deejay.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I was born in 1963. So the '70s were my teenage years. As a teenager, I was into rock and roll - Bowie, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, even more progressive music like Genesis, and I was into a lot of British rock and roll. But I loved also American rock and roll. CCR, Jimmie Hendrix, The Doors, Patty Smith, and Bob Dylan.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
Rock was my thing. It influences me and moves me, and it's music that gives me ideas or wings to fly and to make films.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
Whether it's in America, Quebec, or France, if I can tell a story that takes me out of my comfort zone, then I'm surfing.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
Filmmaking is so heavy: there are so many people and trucks and teamsters and costume people and hair people and makeup people. I try to make it light and as simple as possible. It's great for actors. It puts the story up front. It's not about shots and dollies and lighting and sets.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I'm such a music geek, a music freak. I wake up in the morning, I press play.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
You tell me what you listen to, and I'll tell you who you are.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
Adam Scott sings like a bird... He's so bad. He's so bad.
- Jean-Marc Vallee
Image of Jean-Marc Vallee
I love actors, and I love projects that give them space and room, and I aim for these projects where the characters are that important.
- Jean-Marc Vallee