Jean Ingelow

Image of Jean Ingelow
When sparrows build and the leaves break forth, My old sorrow wakes and cries.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Sad
Image of Jean Ingelow
Against her ankles as she trod The lucky buttercups did nod.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Gardening
Image of Jean Ingelow
A healthful hunger for a great idea is the beauty and blessedness of life.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Life
Image of Jean Ingelow
The moon looks upon many night flowers; the night flowers see but one moon.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Nature
Image of Jean Ingelow
I have lived to thank God that all my prayers have not been answered.
- Jean Ingelow
Image of Jean Ingelow
Her face betokened all things dear and good, The light of somewhat yet to come was there Asleep, and waiting for the opening day, When childish thoughts, like flowers would drift away.
- Jean Ingelow
Image of Jean Ingelow
Man is the miracle in nature. God Is the One Miracle to man.
- Jean Ingelow
Image of Jean Ingelow
How gently rock yon poplars high Against the reach of primrose sky With heaven's pale candles stored.
- Jean Ingelow
Image of Jean Ingelow
And old affront will stir the heart Through years of rankling pain.
- Jean Ingelow
Image of Jean Ingelow
And bitter waxed the fray; Brother with brother spake no word When they met in the way.
- Jean Ingelow
Image of Jean Ingelow
It is not reason which makes faith hard, but life.
- Jean Ingelow
Image of Jean Ingelow
I am glad to think I am not bound to make the world go right, but only to discover and to do, with cheerful heart, the work that God appoints.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Heart
Image of Jean Ingelow
we wish for more in life rather than more of it.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Life
Image of Jean Ingelow
I have lived life long enough to thank God that all my prayers have not been answered
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Prayer
Image of Jean Ingelow
Children bring their own love with them when they come.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Children
Image of Jean Ingelow
When sparrows build and the leaves break forth My old sorrow wakes and cries.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Sorrow
Image of Jean Ingelow
Tears are the showers that fertilize this world.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Tears
Image of Jean Ingelow
I am athirst for God, the living God.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: God
Image of Jean Ingelow
Youth! youth! how buoyant are thy hopes! they turn, like marigolds, toward the sunny side.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jean Ingelow
I don't want to die. But I want to be dead.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Depression
Image of Jean Ingelow
It is a comely fashion to be glad; Joy is the grace we say to God.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Happiness
Image of Jean Ingelow
Yet there are some resting-places, / Life's untroubled interludes; / Times when neither past nor future / On the soul's deep calm intrudes.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Peace
Image of Jean Ingelow
Such a slender moon, going up and up, Waxing so fast from night to night, And swelling like an orange flower-bud, bright, Fated, methought, to round as to a golden cup, And hold to my two lips life's best of wine.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Flower
Image of Jean Ingelow
There's no dew left on the daisies and clover; there's no rain left in heaven.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Rain
Image of Jean Ingelow
Reign, and keep life in this our deep desireOur only greatness is that we aspire.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Greatness
Image of Jean Ingelow
Quoth the Ocean, "Dawn! O fairest, clearest, Touch me with thy golden fingers bland; For I have no smile till thou appearest For the lovely land.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Ocean
Image of Jean Ingelow
You moon, have you done something wrong in heaven / That God has hidden your face?
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Moon
Image of Jean Ingelow
People newly emerged from obscurity generally launch out into indiscriminate display.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: People
Image of Jean Ingelow
The red Sahara in an angry glow, / With amber fogs, across its hollows trailed / Long strings of camels, gloomy-eyed and slow.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Fog
Image of Jean Ingelow
Man is the miracle in nature. God Is the One Miracle to man. Behold, "There is a God," thou sayest. Thou sayest well: In that thou sayest all. To Be is more Of wonderful, than being, to have wrought, Or reigned, or rested.
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Men
Image of Jean Ingelow
O fateful flower beside the rill- The Daffodil, the daffodil!
- Jean Ingelow
Collection: Flower