Jean de La Fontaine

Image of Jean de La Fontaine
A hare is not caught with a drum.
- Jean de La Fontaine
Collection: Caught
Image of Jean de La Fontaine
Every one turns his dreams into realities as far as he can; man is cold as ice to the truth, hot as fire to falsehood.
- Jean de La Fontaine
Collection: Dream
Image of Jean de La Fontaine
Foxes are all tail, and women all tongue.
- Jean de La Fontaine
Collection: Tails
Image of Jean de La Fontaine
The ruins of a house may be repaired; why cannot those of the face?
- Jean de La Fontaine
Collection: House
Image of Jean de La Fontaine
La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure. The reason of the strongest is always the best.
- Jean de La Fontaine
Collection: Reason
Image of Jean de La Fontaine
Une ample Come die a' cent actes divers, Et dont la sce' ne est l'Univers. A grand comedy in one hundred different acts, On the stage of the universe.
- Jean de La Fontaine
Collection: Different