JaVale McGee

Image of JaVale McGee
If you can't breathe, you can't do nothing.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I don't feel like I'm influenced by anybody, but I feel I'm definitely becoming more a leader.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
You bring a car out, you're going to win any dunk contest.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I feel like there was a belief that I couldn't play more than 10 minutes in the league because of asthma or because of anything.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I think about all the time how I'll be able to say that during my career, I played with the greatest players of my era. Hopefully, I'll be able to say I won championships with those players.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
As a kid, you always wanna play for either the Lakers or Boston just for the rivalry alone.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I was in Dallas and I had gained weight and knew becoming a vegetarian was the quickest way to lose it. I just wasn't sure if I could do it.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
Sometimes I think some things just happen and are meant to be.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
Personally I'm just trying to take advantage of every moment that I get.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
My career was dwindling down and I got to be in Golden State for two years and show I still have it.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I've always been a high-percentage shooter, obviously because I'm dunking and laying the ball up.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I've always loved blocking shots.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
Being on a team with four All-Stars is unheard of.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
Whatever happens, however fast it's supposed to happen, it'll happen.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I don't even believe in hope. I just let it happen.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I'm not boring.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I have extreme ADD.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
Some people think I'm dumb, but I feel like things I say, especially on Twitter, are done purposely, because I'm bored.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I don't see the point of Twitter, so I write a lot of stuff to mess with people. But because I used to do dumb things on the court, people think I'm dumb in regular life. But once people meet me, they feel dumb themselves.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I've always been in love with film and music.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
When I do things, I just fully commit to it.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
For breakfast, I'll have some oatmeal, avocado toast, and a shake.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
For lunch, it's usually a salad with sunflower seeds, cucumbers, celery, and a lot of vegetables.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
Dinner is usually just pasta with mushrooms.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I'm just a big kid, basically. I love to have fun.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
People around the NBA really think that I'm dumb or stupid. But people that know me know that I'm actually very intelligent.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I always look at Akon as inspiration, and the fact that at one point Lady Gaga was signed to Konvict Muzik.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I don't think people realize that I produce like 90 percent of all my music, except for the songs that I co-produce with people.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I'm actually good friends with Diplo, and we've talked about collab'ing.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
My favorite artists would be Drake, Future.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
Personally, I've always been a philanthropist. I've always given away turkeys and did gift giveaways.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
My main goal is to help the team as much as possible anyway I can. If they need me to shoot the three, I'll shoot the three. If they need me to run the floor and block shots, I'll do that also.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I guess I'm a utility player where I can do it all.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I wish I could do more in Flint but they estimated the amount that it would cost to fix Flint and it would be a little over $1 billion and I'm definitely not a billionaire. It's extremely heartbreaking the way the city is being treated in my opinion.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I'm not really a vengeful person.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I stay in my lane and do what I want to do. I don't worry about the outside world.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
The fact that rich people get free stuff and poor people have to pay, it's backwards.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I grew up in Flint, Michigan so I'm used to broken promises so I don't look forward to anything. I look forward to the now. I don't even like planning trips more than a week ahead because you don't know how you're going to feel a week from now.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
Yeah I definitely rep the city of Flint.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
During the season, the main focus is always basketball.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I'm on Instagram, and all my fans on my Instagram are basketball fans - like 90 percent.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
Sometimes I go in and try to write beats, but I just trash 'em, and then the next time I go in, I'll make like six beats - six legit, nice beats. I'm really particular with how it needs to sound.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I don't think people understand how good LeBron is.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I love L.A., L.A. was beautiful for me.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I just do whatever I want to do.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
When I got to the NBA, I got a Macbook, and the first thing I did was buy Logic.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I'm JaVale McGee, the basketball player, funny guy, whatever, whatever. But I'm just really passionate about music and I don't want people to look at it like 'Oh he's just doing it to get famous.' I'm already pretty famous as is, so I'm not really trying to do it for the money.
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I'll stay in the studio for 12 hours at a time, just producing music and making records. It doesn't feel like 'Oh man I've got a job to do.' It's more like 'Oh man I didn't even realize I've been there this long.'
- JaVale McGee
Image of JaVale McGee
I literally have never lived anywhere longer than two years in my life. I never just stuck anywhere.
- JaVale McGee