Jason Pierre-Paul

Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
Honestly, it is not all about attitude; it is all about heart. You can have the attitude, you can have the swagger, you can talk your way, but it is all about heart.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Collection: Attitude
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I've been through worst, seen worst.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
The only thing that can stop me from being me is me.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I lead by example. Everybody sees it.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
You put in the work, you should get to the playoffs.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. That's why I play. If I made it in New York, you can make it anywhere.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
Talk is cheap; play the game.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
A good season for me is going to the playoffs and making a run for the Super Bowl and having a good record.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
Not every pass-rush move is going to work to perfection, so therefore, you've got to figure out what's best for you.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
Growing up, as a kid, my father was always there.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
Denard Robinson was my quarterback in high school. Never had his shoes tied. I don't see how you can play like that.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
Basketball was always my game.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I guess you could say I took the hard route. That doesn't work for everybody, but it's worked out all right for me.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
Yes, I went the junior-college route, but I was playing at some very good junior colleges.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
The bottom line is I'm a football player, and I played three years of college football, and I produced all three years. I also got better every year, and I just felt like it was time to move on.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
Coming from a home like I did, I learned a lot about work ethic and determination.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
We had bills to pay. My dad wasn't working, and it was tough for my mom. People were always raising the rent, so I had to work, too. Everybody in the house worked to pay the rent.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I had a lot of different jobs.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
My mom and dad taught me a lot. They kept me out of trouble and told me to go a better route. They taught me how to be a man, basically.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
We moved from place to place, and it was hard to adjust to different schools. But we made it.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I had a job to take care of my parents, to take care of some bills at the house, because my daddy wasn't working. I had to figure out how to make that all work at one time. I was working at Boston Market... I told my coach, 'I can't play football because I have to make money to help my mom.'
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I want to get to the quarterback and stop the run.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
My dad never quit no matter what. He couldn't see, but he never let that stop him. Most people, when something like that happens, they just think their life is over. But that's not true. My dad can still do things like a normal person. He still cooks; he still watches my sister and my brother's baby when my mom's not home.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
What I bring to the table to help my team is that I'm never going to quit.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I'm going to keep rushing the ball until the whistle blows and it's the end of the game. That's how I'm going to keep playing.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
USF gave me a chance to show what I can do.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
When I'm on the field, family-wise, family matters, whatever off-the-field issues, I'm not worried about.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
When it comes to the Cowboys, I always play great against them.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I just do my job; I'm out there to make plays and play football.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I don't like Philly. I don't care at all about Philly.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I'm only going to get better and better. Not going to get worse.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I don't have a go-to move, man; I just rush.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I just want to whup the man in front of me, play after play.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I am a great pass rusher. I'm not saying, 'Do you think you can be?' I know I am. I am.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I just want to go out there and play to my full potential, and play a healthy season, know what I'm saying?
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
In this game called football, we don't know who's going to the playoffs.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I feel like after my incident, it really made me realize football is not here forever. I'm all the more anxious to come out here and let my teammates know, 'Look, hey, this is the same JPP. Missing fingers aren't going to stop me from playing some ball.'
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I'm in the public eye. I'm a celebrity and a football player.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
When a role model tells you it's going to be OK, it's going to be OK.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I'm a role model.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
At the end of the day, media is going to say whatever they're going to say.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
As far as fireworks, it's very dangerous. You shouldn't play with them.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I'm just very fortunate that I'm alive. I look every day and see my hand and say, 'Thank you, Lord.'
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I know when it's time to joke and when it's time to be serious. As far as football goes, I'm serious.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
Once you touch that grass, you know in your head only one team is going to walk out of there with a win.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I don't like people knowing about my business, and my situation, so I try to keep out of people's situations unless they come to me and ask for help.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
Without God and the strong heart that I have, I wouldn't be able to make it.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I have a lot of people depending on me - even people I didn't know depended on me.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I try not to put myself in horrible situations anymore.
- Jason Pierre-Paul
Image of Jason Pierre-Paul
I'm missing an index finger.
- Jason Pierre-Paul