Jason Kidd

Image of Jason Kidd
I think the big thing with O.J. - I've known him since he was in high school - and he's a great kid, loves the game of basketball.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
I've always respected Coach Frank. I kind of publicly recruited him because I really need him and want him. I'm kind of the college recruiter now because he brings a lot to the table. He's had success here and understands the good and the bad, so I'm recruiting him to join my staff.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
I just coach and get my guys ready.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
I was just one piece of the puzzle, a very small piece at that. I really enjoyed my time with the Knicks, and we had a great run.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
It's funny because everybody has injuries, and different teams handle them differently.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
The Knicks, they're a very talented team.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
With the intention of signing Lin back, I saw that I can help.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
I just want to be in there at the end of the game to try to help the team win. The last six minutes of an NBA game is where you make your name, so hopefully I'm in there trying to help my guys win.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
I think if you're consistent in this league, you'll win a lot of ball games.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
I thought I was going to be a Spur.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
Being able to run an NBA team at 19 is not easy.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
It's harder when you're supposed to win. When you're talking about the best players and the best teams in the world, when you talk about the Heat, you can ask them - it's not easy.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
A lot of times late in your career, you don't have a chance to win a championship.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
When the Heat were put together, there was talk of going undefeated. They didn't get off to a great start, but they found a way to win back-to-back championships.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
Each individual has got to look themselves in the mirror and try and see what they can do better. Period. Point blank.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
Kobe is Kobe. He is one of the best to ever play this game. Given the opportunity, he can embarrass you.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
I wanted to go to San Antonio. I told them I was coming. I had to tell them that I was changing my mind and staying with the Nets. It was a day later when I had to tell them, but when I got back to Jersey, when I started thinking about the process, I felt a little more comfortable staying home.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
You talk about Shaq, I would put Tim Duncan in that same category. Mr. Fundamental, just kept things simple. He is a great teammate, a great player, and a great person. When you have those ingredients in a champion, you just want to be a part of that and have an opportunity to play with him.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
I wanted to see if I could win a championship in San Antonio.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
Joe Prunty will take over, and he will run the team. But nobody gets out of their lane. Joe will still be offense, and Sweeney will still be defense.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
A lot of wear and tear on my body. I've been blessed not to have too many surgeries.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
When you think about 19 years, it has been a heckuva ride. Physically, I want to be able to participate in activities with my kids, so it has taken a toll. It is time to move on and think about maybe coaching or doing some broadcasting.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
The two things that are probably tied for first are winning a championship with the Mavericks and also being able to win a gold medal - two gold medals with Team USA.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
The biggest thing is winning. No matter what percentage, no matter what my numbers say in the sense of points, assists, rebounds and steals, it's always been about winning.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
The best players have the mental advantage throughout the league.
- Jason Kidd
Image of Jason Kidd
Championship teams are built on being prepared, playing unselfishly and being held accountable.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Basketball
Image of Jason Kidd
Passing is contagious. There's nothing better than making the pass that gives someone an easy hoop.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Giving
Image of Jason Kidd
My job is not to scream and yell, my job is to cheer you and be positive. If you miss four shots, I'm still going to pass to you.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jason Kidd
I've learned a lot at home and been able to take what I've learned at home to the court.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Home
Image of Jason Kidd
Good teams beat you with speed. Great teams beat you with spacing and timing.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Team
Image of Jason Kidd
I'm a football guy at heart; maybe I should have played football for a living instead, because I play a lot of football videogames, I'm really into them.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Basketball
Image of Jason Kidd
I try to anticipate exactly where my teammates are going to be. Sometimes I look good. Sometimes I look bad.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Trying
Image of Jason Kidd
Michael, if you can't pass, you can't play. - Coach Dean Smith to Michael Jordan in his freshman year We're going to turn this team around 360 degrees.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Teamwork
Image of Jason Kidd
I have had some bad shooting games but that doesn't stop me from getting the ball to my teammates
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Basketball
Image of Jason Kidd
...and that's what separates the professionals from the taxpayers
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Basketball
Image of Jason Kidd
Growing up, Magic Johnson was my idol. He was a good example. He could always pass the ball extremely well and get his teammates involved.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Jason Kidd
I also play a little bit of Tiger Woods once in awhile. Get on the golf course there, and pretend that I'm beating him.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Basketball
Image of Jason Kidd
I love the competition no matter at what age.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Competition
Image of Jason Kidd
I'm a big fan of the game. Seeing these young guys play at the level that they are, I just wish I was 22, 23 years old so I can handle the game the way they do.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Play
Image of Jason Kidd
Winning is the best deodorant.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Basketball
Image of Jason Kidd
Yeah, I'm excited about it, my teammates are telling me to look at the basket, so that's what I'm trying to do.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Basketball
Image of Jason Kidd
Every team that I've gone to has had trouble winning games. I guess that's what I've been put on this earth to do, to fix it.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Team