Jason Kelce

Image of Jason Kelce
A lot of motivational speakers - players, coaches, or whatever - they kind of speak in these kind of age-old mantras, or cliches or whatnot. Kobe was very much not like that.
- Jason Kelce
Collection: Motivational
Image of Jason Kelce
I've heard a lot of motivational speakers throughout the years.
- Jason Kelce
Collection: Motivational
Image of Jason Kelce
Even just listening to a sad country song, yeah, I can get pretty emotional.
- Jason Kelce
Collection: Sad
Image of Jason Kelce
I think that's one of the cool things about football - there's a place for every kid to play, regardless of size, shape or speed.
- Jason Kelce
Collection: Cool
Image of Jason Kelce
The reality is, it's a hard game physically, and the older you get, the competitor in you and the player in you obviously want to keep playing and keep going, and through the rivers of the season, your family and friends are certainly taking the brunt of all the positives and negatives going on.
- Jason Kelce
Collection: Positive
Image of Jason Kelce
I think that in most sports, outside of golf and maybe some other things, it benefits you to be in the best shape possible, to be portrayed with minimal body fat, on your diet, as a watchful athlete.
- Jason Kelce
Collection: Sports
Image of Jason Kelce
I'm a big fan of the beard oil. It really keeps it soft. I use the beard wash too because my wife is really on me to make sure there's not all types of bacteria and food left up in there.
- Jason Kelce
Collection: Food
Image of Jason Kelce
I tell people this all the time: I think Jason Peters is probably the best athlete I've ever seen play.
- Jason Kelce
Collection: Best
Image of Jason Kelce
I think as a leader, you just take accountability. That's what leadership is. Leadership is taking accountability yourself and holding others to the same standard, regardless of what's going on.
- Jason Kelce
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jason Kelce
I think the biggest difference between football and a lot of other sports is that being in a transition period doesn't mean that you can't compete and be competitive.
- Jason Kelce
Collection: Sports
Image of Jason Kelce
I think weak leaders start pointing fingers when times get tough.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
Strong leaders... try to lift others up.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
You write your own narrative.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I've always felt that you know you have a really good team when your best players are your hardest workers.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
You learn a lot about guys in tough times.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
Sometimes it's so easy for me to get caught up in my own head, selfishly looking at things from my own perspective, that I forget how important it is to uplift other people. Not by these rah-rah speeches and not by getting in somebody's face but just by being a genuinely happy, emotional guy.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I think it'd be miserable to play in a place like Jacksonville, where nobody cares.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
Even if guys don't admit it, we definitely check out other guys' beards.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I was drafted in the sixth round, and nobody thought I would last a season in the NFL.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I think I embody the values of morals that my parents and life experiences have given me.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
There's certainly tangible value whenever you're out there getting reps - there's always something you can learn, something you can get better at.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
Some guys, I look at them, I'm kind of wondering why they don't have a beard. You can see they'd have a great one, that they could be doing so much better.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I appreciate being a member of the Philadelphia Eagles and playing in the NFL a little bit more each and every day because I realize I'm one day closer to never doing this again.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
That's kind of how offensive linemen are. They usually love playing for whoever's coaching the team.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
Anything that any player does to give back to the community, I'm in awe of, whether you're starting your own foundation, joining other foundations, giving your time, whatever.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I don't know how smart you have to be to be a marketing major.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
Everybody's going to get crushed at some point. Everybody's going to go through a downturn or struggle, right?
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
When you have guys who are accountable to themselves, accountable to making sure they improve each and every day on the practice field and in every game, which is what I think we have here, you're going to get better. It's just the natural process of it.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
You know, in football - this isn't basketball. One draft pick isn't going to make us a Super Bowl champion. It might be a big start to a Super Bowl championship, but it's always going to be about the team.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
The football gods have taken care of me.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I've got to eliminate those mental mistakes, the false starts, bad snaps.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I didn't know Kobe that much on a personal level.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I enjoy compliments from guys more than from girls. If a guy has a beard, he knows what he's talking about.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I want to leave the Eagles knowing that I left it in good hands.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
Torrey Smith was a guy who played a lot of football for a lot of different teams.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I think offensive line play in general is really a position of service; you don't really have stats, you don't have the glory of scoring touchdowns.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
From a player's standpoint, it's on you to make sure that you're watching the film, you're doing everything during the week necessary to improve, to make sure you understand the finer coaching points, every little detail, so that when you're in the middle of the game, you're not playing slow or apprehensive.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
The quarterback sneak always is a tricky play.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
Least favorite, hands down, not even close, MetLife Stadium.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I think there's no question the majority of Philadelphia Eagles teams are labeled tough, hard-nosed, physical football teams. I think a large part of that is the vibe, the energy, and what the city demands.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
It's nice whenever you're get recognized... but I just think a lot of the individual stuff gets overplayed.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
When you're watching, you can't do anything. What are they doing? Why are they doing this? It's not fun at all. I don't even know why fans watch the games.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
The competitor in you, the player, the teammate - that guy would keep playing forever.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I am the product of a lot of different things.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I think it's a unique breed of athlete on the offensive line. We're built differently than a lot of other major athletes.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
My brother and I have gone by 'Kel-see' our entire lives.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
I feel a sense of responsibility, not just to my teammates but to myself to do things the right way and to put everything I have into it, and I think that's most of the people in the NFL.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
You win the Super Bowl and have the game-winning touchdown, you're going to be pretty loved.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
On the offensive line, although you can't just be eating anything, it directly benefits you to be heavy, especially if your frame can handle it.
- Jason Kelce
Image of Jason Kelce
Being an offensive lineman, obviously you're a little bit different than most athletes, so our body types are going to be drastically different.
- Jason Kelce