Jane Pauley

Image of Jane Pauley
My son has been known to throw a book at the television set when he called for me to come play and I was obviously busy in the box. But I'm told that children of television performers grow up thinking that all mommies or daddies work on TV and that it's no big deal.
- Jane Pauley
Image of Jane Pauley
My guess is that people look at me and project their own values - importance of family, ego is healthy but not the biggest thing. I don't know. I can't explain my popularity.
- Jane Pauley
Image of Jane Pauley
I hate my picture being taken. A photograph by definition captures one mood. And I have a million facets to my personality; I never use just one. That's why I like TV more.
- Jane Pauley
Image of Jane Pauley
I've always had a lot of ambivalence about fame and celebrity.
- Jane Pauley
Image of Jane Pauley
What I've discovered is that my kids weren't watching the 'Today' show... they watch 'Gumby' and 'Bugs Bunny!'
- Jane Pauley
Image of Jane Pauley
I'm sorry, but I can't imagine being an American icon! It would be pretty difficult to look at your face in the mirror and think of yourself as that without laughing and spitting toothpaste all over!
- Jane Pauley
Image of Jane Pauley
Kids learn more from example than from anything you say; I'm convinced they learn very early not to hear anything you say, but to watch what you do.
- Jane Pauley
Image of Jane Pauley
This may sound funny, but as much as the 'Today' show matured me, it also was something of a cocoon. I'd been happy there. I never went into the boss's office and pounded my fist on the desk, saying, 'Give me more money! Give me a prime-time show!'
- Jane Pauley
Image of Jane Pauley
I see myself as life-sized, certainly not a supersized personality, and apparently after 30 years of television, that's what the audience thinks of me as well. I know this because for the first time in my career, I've just seen market research, and the thing I am known for is being authentic.
- Jane Pauley
Image of Jane Pauley
About the time I turned 50, I experienced the profound biological change that often accompanies women at that age. Also, I put two kids in college and lost both of my parents, so I'm no longer somebody's daughter.
- Jane Pauley
Image of Jane Pauley
Sometimes it takes the better part of a lifetime to find out what your passion is, but in my observation, if you do, it might be the best part of your life.
- Jane Pauley
Collection: Life
Image of Jane Pauley
There might be false starts and do-overs.You are entitled to experiment before you find your calling.
- Jane Pauley
Collection: Mistake
Image of Jane Pauley
You cannot look at a sleeping cat and feel tense.
- Jane Pauley
Collection: Sleep
Image of Jane Pauley
The most likely moment for something incredible to happen to me was the moment I was most certain nothing ever would.
- Jane Pauley
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jane Pauley
I define success as when I say "yes" when I am given an opportunity.
- Jane Pauley
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Jane Pauley
The courage to try something new makes me proud.
- Jane Pauley
Collection: Empowering
Image of Jane Pauley
Want to lose weight? Kick a bad habit? Well you might want to try hypnosis! ... no longer regarded as mere hocus-pocus, it's been shown as an effective means of helping people quit smoking, shed pounds, reduce stress, and end phobias.
- Jane Pauley
Collection: Stress