Jamie Chung

Image of Jamie Chung
I view my career like a rubber-band ball in that every role is a new experience building toward something bigger.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
When you can stand over the clouds and watch them roll through the mountains below you, it shifts absolutely everything in your brain.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
I'm just so proud to be from San Francisco and to have a family history there. It's only two generations back, but still, it's two generations in San Francisco. I love it. I'm so proud of it.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
To be honest with you, I'm more of a girl's girl. I'm much more comfortable being around other girls.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
There are these creative shows, all on cable, that are just so daring and out there. That's the stuff I really want to be a part of, like with 'Sucker Punch' and 'Hangover 2.' Those movies didn't hold back. They really went for it.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
If acting doesn't work out, I plan to do food photography and just eat my way through the entire world. I'm a big foodie, and if I could make some career out of it, that would be fantastic.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
I love photography, I love food, and I love traveling, and to put those three things together would just be the ultimate dream.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
I didn't want to be known as the reality-show star trying to be an actress, so I kept a lot of the failed auditions to myself.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
The casting directors that were aware of 'The Real World' looked at me as a joke. It was so hard to get away from that.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
It's so important to work with material you can really mold and milk and create and evolve.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
Indonesia has beautiful hikes, surfing, and private beaches. It's pretty incredible.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
I'm the worst at making decisions!
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
My parents, in their 40s, moved to a different country, started a business, bought a house, didn't speak the language, raised two kids - it's kind of amazing.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
Sometimes I'm girly; sometimes I like to be a little edgy.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
In your 30s, you are very aware of who you are and what you're confident in.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
I have superdry skin, and it's really temperamental, and I feel like oils are the best thing for my face.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
I wear a lot of Sophia Webster - her stuff is so fun - and Christian Louboutin, of course.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
In terms of scripted shows, I love 'Mad Men.' Cinematically, it's one of the most beautiful shows ever made. I love the subtlety of the acting and the storytelling, and I love that they don't think the audience is dumb. They make a great show, and you figure it out, and it leaves you with so many questions - it's just great.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
I highly recommend ClassPass. I spend a fortune on Barry's Bootcamp, Cycle House, SoulCycle, Flywheel, Ballet Barre, SLT Pilates, YogaWorks... I do everything, and I'm always trying different workouts, and I was like, 'Finally, 99 bucks!'
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
When they don't have your back on a show, it's the worst feeling ever. That energy trickles down to the cast and crew. You can feel when it's not gonna be a winner. But when you have the support of the network and the studio, it's a really good feeling.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
It's so important to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays - you use SPF every morning, but you need to protect your eyes, too.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
You need to challenge your body in different ways, but I think the best way is to go for a run and stretch out your body.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
You just pour your heart and soul into a project, and everyone pays their dues, and everyone on the crew, everyone works so hard. Then you just don't know how the show ends up. You just hope that it turns out great, and you hope that people respond to it, and you hope that the network accepts a Season Two.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
There's so much bullying, and there's so much negativity on social media.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
One of my favorite things to do with my dog and my sister's dog and my mom and my sister is to go for these really long walks.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
I think the whole movement of #MeToo is not just calling out the sexual harassers, which is really important, but also crying out that we want equal pay, equal representation, equal opportunities, and that we want to see more female directors and photographers.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
We want to see women in more power positions, not just in front of the screen but behind the screen as well.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
The narrative needs to change. Asian-American actresses don't want to be the damsels in distress anymore. We don't want to be saved, especially by a white man.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
All the female characters in 'The Gifted' are stronger than the men. We're not waiting around to be saved but spearheading the missions.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
We'd only speak Korean at home. They wouldn't let us have sleepovers and sent us away to Korean church camp during the summers. We had weird food concoctions, too, so instead of spaghetti bolognese, we had rice bolognese with kimchi.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
Whether experimenting with the latest trends during my teenage years or turning to quality designer pieces to show off my more refined style today, I've always turned to places like T.J.Maxx to find those pieces that are truly me.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
If you feel good about what you put on your face - or body - that's really putting your best foot forward.
- Jamie Chung
Image of Jamie Chung
I mean, like the rest of America, I wasn't really into politics until Obama went into office, so it's all kind of new to me, but I'm excited about it. I've been watching a lot of campaign ads, doing a lot of research for it. It's so different, it'll be interesting.
- Jamie Chung
Collection: Mean