James DeGale

Image of James DeGale
Family is paramount, I am the baby of the family, I get looked after, everyone spoils me and I couldn't live without them. They are my life, and they keep me grounded. If I get out of line, my mum will tell me off.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I'm not good with jokes, no. I don't know a joke at all. I like being told jokes, but I can't tell one myself.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
The right shoulder is vital, being the one with which the southpaw employs his fast, and very effective, jab, which remains the cornerstone of his work.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I'm a victim of my own success.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I'm a good boy, I eat up all my vegetables.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
The worst thing is having to make weight before a fight. It's hard to cut down.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I'm not really a reader, but every Thursday and Friday I read my Boxing News. I read the papers every day, but I'm not really a book reader.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
It's a tough business, boxing, but I've got my family and a great team.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
Amateur boxing is like a game but you have to be spiteful as a pro. I've got that spiteful streak. I've always had it - just ask my mum and dad.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
People think I'm tough and arrogant but I've got feelings.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
All boxers are OCD. You can see a bit of OCD in me before I go into the ring. I can't put on my right boot before my left. It's the same with my gloves. It's got to always be the left foot and the left hand first. I would freak out if I did it differently. I have to do the left first because that's the way I done it when I won the Olympics.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
If I won another gold medal in 2012, in my home city, imagine that. To be the face of 2012, that'd be unbelievable.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
Hit and move, that's amateur boxing and that's what I'm good at.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I can beat anyone in the world.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
If it's got to be boring, it will be boring. Hit and run. I'll take that.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
It is a difficult decision, either to turn pro or stay amateur.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I'm lucky that I have got good parents behind me.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
We have had no bonuses for winning Olympic medals, I haven't even had a call from the ABA. I was on assisted performance funding, but I had that stopped.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I will be a world champion, I'm going to do it.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
People are saying I hold and spoil, but you don't get to win Olympic gold without a bit of power and ability.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I love all the attention I've got since becoming Olympic champion and being asked to go to different events, but boxing is what I do.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I'm the Marmite of boxing.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
Don't let the good looks and the playboy image fool you. I'm very serious.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I could have ended up in a gang or in prison because Harlesden is real rough and I was always a naughty boy. That's how I got into boxing.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
In life most of us are only really good at one thing - and with me it's boxing.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
Don't worry, everyone - I'm not going to be just this silly little idiot who thinks he's 'it,' who has been to the Olympics, won a gold medal and come back thinking he's 'it.' That isn't me, trust me.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I'd like to win the British belt outright.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
By 2012 I'm going to be a world champion or knocking on the door for a world title.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
Money comes and goes.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
When I'm not preparing for a fight, I like to chill, go to the cinema and socialise with my mates.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I've got the 'fat gene' in my family, so I've always got to watch what I eat.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
Prior to a fight when I have to make weight, obviously I can't eat all the rubbish - chocolate and stuff like that. Straight after I can relax and eat what I want.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
Losing weight for me is about eating healthy and training hard and the weight falls off me.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
The fight with Groves is in the past.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
All I get on my Twitter is 'Please fight Groves again' and 'Why won't Froch take the fight?' and 'Get in the mix... ' But it's just so hard to do that. I wish it were easy.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
The first couple of years of my career were going fantastic, everything running smoothly. I was the next best thing. Obviously there were problems that were out of my hands, changing promoters and all different things behind the scenes that people don't see.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I've boxed all around the world.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
When you're not happy doing your job, it's hard work, right?
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I've been saying for years, Froch is an easy fight, chin's up in the air, feet are all over the place, technically terrible. But he's tough, he's strong, he's fit for 12 rounds, he comes on strong the last few rounds.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I boxed for the British title in my ninth fight.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
Groves is a fool. Groves is a fake. I will never let him belittle me like he's done with Carl Froch.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I always said that I am all wrong for Froch. I have huge respect for him, but when we fight I am very confident in beating him.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I had something called Gilmore's groin.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
Listen, if anyone hits you on the chin you are probably going to get hurt.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
Believe it or not, I do get a lot of love on the streets.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I think once I win this fight against Andre Dirrell I will get a lot more respect.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I will take on any super middleweight in the world.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
I'm hard to beat when I'm at my best. I'm telling you, I'm hard to beat.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
My whole career, all I've been building up to is winning a world title.
- James DeGale
Image of James DeGale
It's an unbelievable feeling. I'm world champ. I'm world champ! I made history.
- James DeGale