Jacinda Ardern

Image of Jacinda Ardern
My grandma was a very traditional woman but, at the same time, would want me to have kids.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
I'd say it was always in me - it's just what's required of you is very different in the moment that you become leader. When you're part of a team, you defer, and you're there to support your leader.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
Ultimately, I do want us to be a transformative government. I want, when we've left, for people to say we're not just clean-green anymore: we're carbon neutral, or we're striving to be.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
I hate the idea of anyone thinking that I don't put a lot of thought about the cost to taxpayers. I make our ministers travel to events in vans to pool together.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
I have a partner who can be there alongside me, who's taking up a huge part of that joint responsibility, because he's a parent, too - he's not a babysitter.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
At a personal level, it's just the day-to-day: I'm a mum that needs to meet all of the responsibilities that come with being a mum, making sure that Neve has the basics, that she's fed, that she's loved, that she sleeps as much as we're able to get her to sleep, and we will do that together. That's a practical reality of my new role.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
All of the things that people said that I would experience - that idea that you suddenly have this new person in your life that you could love so much and that time will go incredibly quickly, but that the nights will seem incredibly long - all of that has been true, but it has been wonderful.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
The wonderful police officers who spend time with me I don't think appreciate that, but I do still drive. I do still cook: not often, but just last week, I really felt like making one of my mum's old recipes - so I did. I do still go to our local department store to buy things like maternity jeans that no one else can really do for me.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
Even going out to get milk becomes a little bit challenging, just because there is a whole entourage that then travels with me for this simple thing. So I tend to try and find ways not to inconvenience a whole raft of other people, so it changes my mindset a little bit.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
The challenging thing from a work perspective is just the range of things on any given day that you're dealing with and making sure you have the head space to really be giving them the thought and consideration you'd like, too.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
The teacher crisis is something we are really worried about during the byelection in Mount Albert. I counted, across a month, seven teachers I identified just in my area who were all leaving - not the profession but Auckland.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
We know we've got a problem attracting to certain areas because of the cost of living, so we're thinking about things from how do we ensure key workers have accessible and affordable housing; also, how do we attract people into teaching as well.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
Issues like obesity do, as you well know, have a knock-on effect to diabetes. So we all are better off if we invest early in prevention.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
Things like promoting healthy behaviours, including nutrition and activity, and beginning that at school is so critical. We used to have a healthy eating, healthy action plan, elements of which really were dumped by the last government, so we're trying to rebuild a bit of a program of action in that space.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
I'll be prime minister and a mum, and Clarke will be 'first man of fishing' and stay-at-home dad. I think it's fair to say that this will be a wee one that a village will raise, but we couldn't be more excited.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
Lots of people juggle a lot of things in their personal and private lives, and I'm not unusual in that. Plenty of women have multitasked before me, and I want to acknowledge that.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
From a personal perspective, I am so looking forward to my new role as a parent. But I am equally focused on my job and responsibilities as prime minister.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
I would absolutely classify as being incredibly progressive the fact that I am the third female prime minister.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
It becomes tricky if you ever try to partition off what might be seen as sexist criticism. To be honest, I just don't engage. The best way I can rebel against those notions is being competent, good at my job.
- Jacinda Ardern
Image of Jacinda Ardern
When you're a bit of an anxious person, and you constantly worry about things, there comes a point where certain jobs are just really bad for you.
- Jacinda Ardern