Jaak Panksepp

Image of Jaak Panksepp
The propensity to play is situated in very ancient regions of the brain. Rats that have had their neocortex removed still engage in normal play.
- Jaak Panksepp
Collection: Play
Image of Jaak Panksepp
When scientific conversations cease, then dogma rather than knowledge begins to rule the day.
- Jaak Panksepp
Collection: Dogma
Image of Jaak Panksepp
Paul Davies takes us on a logically and rhetorically compelling modern search for human agency. This outstanding analysis, well informed by naturalistic views of our evolved affective nature, is the kind of philosophical work that is essential for a field to move forward when ever-increasing findings from modern science are inconsistent with traditional philosophical arguments. This book is for all who wish to immerse themselves in the modern search for free will. It is steeped in the rich liqueur of current scientific and philosophical perspectives and delusions.
- Jaak Panksepp
Collection: Moving