Ivica Zubac

Image of Ivica Zubac
I think every part of my body needs improvement.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
I think that's the only way I can improve: to work hard, to listen to my coaches. Not to question anything.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
I want to get stronger. I want to get slimmer. I'm already slimmer, but I want to get some muscles so I can fight all these guys in the post.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
I never doubted in me. I always knew what I can do. I always had the same skill-set.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
I was taught to hate the Clippers, you know, since I was with the Lakers. So, I never liked the Clippers before. But since coming over here, it's been amazing.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
A bunch of fans have come up to me and they say, 'Why did we trade you? The Lakers front office did the biggest mistake.' Everyone's like, 'We miss you.'
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
You know, I just feel physically that I can get a lot of offensive rebounds.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
Everyone wants to play in the fourth quarter, everyone wants to close the game. It's the most important time of the game, so being out there is great.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
One of my roles is rebounding the ball and not giving up offensive boards, and I feel like I can be one of the best in the league at that.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
I am living a great life.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
When you meet Croatians somewhere abroad that's great. It feels like you are best friends.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
People got this bad image about Clippers, like Clippers did something bad. But the thing is, the Clippers never did something bad, they're just another team in L.A.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
In my two and a half years with the Lakers, I didn't win much games.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
I don't care about personal stats or whatever. Winning is the most important thing.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
When I was like 19 1/2, people were like, 'He should go back to Europe.' People are impatient.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
It's hard when you're a young player, second year, to not play for like 10 games and then they throw you in and they want you to do everything perfect.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
My agent called me when we were talking before I came to the States. He told me we are going to select only three or four teams who are most interested, who are calling the most, asking for you, who are watching me the most in Europe and scouting me.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
I think I want to come straight to the NBA, but if the team who drafts me, they want me to stay in Europe and develop my game, I will stay.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
I have good mid-range shot and I can shoot threes, but in Europe coaches didn't want me to shoot outside because I was tall and big.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
Here you get to play one on one more, individual basketball. I think that fits me better than in Europe. You have harder, different double teams and everybody helps, but in the NBA they let you play one on one, so I think that will fit me better.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
We switched everything in G League so I had a lot of time to work on my switching.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
The only thing I can do is work hard and hope that they're gonna call my name.
- Ivica Zubac
Image of Ivica Zubac
When you're not playing you're not feeling good because this is what I'm doing my whole life. Now when I'm finally in the rotation, everything else feels much better. Life is much better.
- Ivica Zubac