Isabelle Adjani

Image of Isabelle Adjani
I'm a public figure. It's up to me to take the initiative to explain things. It's my responsibility.
- Isabelle Adjani
Image of Isabelle Adjani
We can't forbid women from going to the beach because of a costume, even if it is rightly seen as neo-fundamentalist, backward, and shocking.
- Isabelle Adjani
Image of Isabelle Adjani
I find the heated political debate over the burkini both ridiculous and dangerous.
- Isabelle Adjani
Image of Isabelle Adjani
Journalists are still inventing things that never existed about me. Before, it made me cry, but now I laugh about it.
- Isabelle Adjani
Image of Isabelle Adjani
If my life hadn't itself been a modern adaptation of 'Les Atrides,' I probably would never have left the theatre.
- Isabelle Adjani
Image of Isabelle Adjani
Someone who is an artist can say, 'I can create and can make what I create disappear.'
- Isabelle Adjani
Image of Isabelle Adjani
If you are in a gym class with other women, and even if you are in shape, you feel like, 'Do they think my legs are not right?' Since you are supposed to be the perfect one, they look for the defects. It's such an embarrassment.
- Isabelle Adjani
Image of Isabelle Adjani
I loved my freedom as an adolescent, and I'd love to be an adolescent again.
- Isabelle Adjani
Image of Isabelle Adjani
I have a lot of friends in Paris, and I love to get away from home.
- Isabelle Adjani
Image of Isabelle Adjani
When you hold a baby in your arms, you don't want to put it in a basket right away. You want to keep the baby close.
- Isabelle Adjani
Image of Isabelle Adjani
I like working emotions that can take you beyond your life. And yet you have to resist them in order remain within your life. Otherwise, you're burned. I like that fight. It's more of a fight with yourself.
- Isabelle Adjani
Image of Isabelle Adjani
For me to get up and feel the urge to go to the set and all that, I have to feel there is something tremendously vibrating to achieve there. I need to lose sometimes a consciousness of the person and the reality in order to be happy to come back into the reality and happier to live it for this cause, to be an artist in this life.
- Isabelle Adjani
Image of Isabelle Adjani
It's exhilarating to read something that tells you that people saw something and felt something that you thought was so discreet. When they relate you to some of their own fantasies of who or how some actresses should be in movies. That's really kind of sweet!
- Isabelle Adjani
Image of Isabelle Adjani
You have to believe yourself to be the centre of the world, or you believe nothing. You start to treat yourself very badly.
- Isabelle Adjani
Image of Isabelle Adjani
You protect your being when you love yourself better. That's the secret.
- Isabelle Adjani
Collection: Love You
Image of Isabelle Adjani
Life is worth being lived, but not being discussed all the time.
- Isabelle Adjani
Collection: Communication
Image of Isabelle Adjani
I want to work beyond external aggressions, forget that one has something to do for others if it's not for oneself.
- Isabelle Adjani
Collection: Want
Image of Isabelle Adjani
I believe you can't be an actor if you haven't had the feeling of being abandoned as a child.
- Isabelle Adjani
Collection: Children
Image of Isabelle Adjani
The Method is Judeo-Christian: if you go through pain, you can't miss. Rubbish. I'm more interested in the box itself than what's in it. How vs why.
- Isabelle Adjani
Collection: Christian