Irvine Welsh

Image of Irvine Welsh
I'm the worst employer I could wish for because I push myself hard.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
When I left school at 16, I became an apprentice television and radio technician, and was paid £17 a week, which was decent money in 1976. But the job turned sour when I gave myself an electric shock while repairing a television set.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
I left Edinburgh to follow the London punk scene in 1978, singing and playing guitar in various bands. My income was sporadic, so I did anything to eke out some kind of subsistence - laying down slabs, working as a kitchen porter.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
It's very difficult to be objective about yourself and your own circumstances, but one thing I do know about is that I grew up surrounded by storytellers.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
Everybody in my family were great storytellers. My dad and his brothers would just go on and on; they could tell amazing stories. I think it was something to do with the Celtic, oral storytelling tradition. People very much had that propensity towards telling tales.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
The idea is not enough. And the most annoying thing for me as a writer is that people will come up to me and say, 'Hey, I've got a great idea for a book. I'm not a writer, but I've got a great story.'
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
That's the kind of consumer society we live in. We're always looking for the next product that's going to change your life instead of just going out and changing your life.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
Before I started writing, I'd never read much fiction. I was more interested in non-fiction. I'm taking the same approach to theatre: I can operate from a position of ignorance and make up my own rules instead of being bound by customs and practice.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
I just love the weather. I live on Miami Beach, which is all boutique hotels and cocktails. I do sometimes go along to smart parties in my white suit, but I wouldn't really recognise any famous people if they were there because I'm not very good at star-spotting.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
You can't satirise darts, because it's hyper-real as it is; there's already enough over-the-top madness to it.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
The idea of just sitting at home on Facebook worries me. I think we should all get out more.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
I think that every project offers an opportunity to reinvent process as well as content.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
Sometimes I work purely 8-12 shifts, banging stuff into the computer. Other times, my office is like a scene from a detective movie, with Post-it Notes, plans, photographs all stuck on the walls and arrows going everywhere, and it's 4 A.M.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
I don't perceive an audience at all when I write a book. It's pure self-indulgence.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
I think the novel is at one end of the art-entertainment continuum - the play in the middle - while TV and cinema veer a bit more towards entertainment.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
It's been a good thing for me to try and understand America.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
People either think I'm this totally savage, idiot-savant genius guy who's lucked out or they think I'm a super-manipulative crafty businessman, this kind of MBA guy who's spotted a gap in the market and knows how to create a product for it. It's flattering, but I've not got that much of a gameplan.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
In my flat in Chicago, I've got this big room with an office in the corner and a balcony so I can watch people go by.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
I used to sit on the Circle Line and go 'round and 'round and write.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
We want to feel hyper-alive, and it's like, the more cartoonish and grotesque the level we can operate at, the better. It's like the world we live in has become quite safe in a lot of ways, and it has become harder to genuinely transgress. But the desire to transgress is a real feeling.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
Words should have the power to inform and to move, not the power to send people scurrying away. But if you attach that much emotional energy to a word, it gives people the power to hurt each other.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
Television has become the government, priest, psychotherapist - the legitimiser of our egos.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
As soon as you've written it, you're thinking about how it can move into different mediums.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
The '90s was a decade of mundane market-consumer nothingness where there was nothing coming up from the streets; you just had someone in an office deciding what was cool.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
Filmmaking is a much more collaborative thing than literature, so you know you're going to be working with a group of people at the start. You know it's going to be a compromise.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
For 'Filth,' we had about 12 producers on the thing. The opening credits go on for months. Most of them are actually financers rather than producers. And the only way that we could raise the budget without interference from a studio was to have a lot of different financers on board.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
You're on your own with the book. And while you are writing fiction, you're spending all this time with people who don't actually exist, which is just madness.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
Everyone needs some kind of compelling drama in their life, basically.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
I'm probably a natural uncle. I can take the kids out and have fun with them and look after them, and I can be Mr. Popular. But actually having to do the grind? That stuff just doesn't appeal at all.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
I've been doing a bit of screenwriting and producing, and even a bit of directing.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
In America, Miramax are using a 'New York Times' review that said 'Trainspotting' makes 'Kids' look like a 1960s episode of 'Sesame Street.'
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
It's really odd that I've got this kind of sullen reputation - I never saw myself that way.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
I'm trying to make really flawed characters that have got redeeming features so people can say, 'I don't really like that character, but I can understand a bit where they've come from.'
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
I think a lot of people want me to be like the characters in the books: they want that kind of congruence.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
The older you get, the less physically and mentally robust you become.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
A lot of my characters are anti-heroes that became heroes.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
There's something about the modern era where it's very hard to transgress - we're all so online, easier to track by mobile phone - so you have people who do it on your behalf.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
Writing is such a good thing to do because you can't really get bored with it. If you're bored with writing, you're bored with life.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
Everybody that writes has their own area of inquiry. And mine has always been kind of, why is it that when life can be so hard and difficult, we compound it by self-sabotage, doing terrible things? That's always been my main area of inquiry, and it does lead you to dark places.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
I come up with a blurb at the beginning, but the book will always be completely different by the time it's finished. They say, 'Where's the book you were going to write?' And I say, 'Forget about it. It doesn't exist.'
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
Writing has been handed to me on a plate.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
If you're going to do something that's going to cause offence to people, you're always going to get a reaction.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
What happens when you get any kind of entrenched power is that it just becomes kind of corrupt and self-serving.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
How can you be inspired by Cameron and Miliband? These guys are just drabness personified.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
Politicians are so... detested; they don't actually walk amongst people now.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
There is nothing, really, that I wouldn't write about, and I do write about a lot of grim things.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
When you go away, you see where you come from in a different light. I see Scotland, and the rest of Britain, as much more exotic than I used to.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
When a town doesn't have a book store, it is like something is missing, and unfortunately, fewer and fewer have them.
- Irvine Welsh
Image of Irvine Welsh
People in Scotland want the parliament but don't give a toss about the elections.
- Irvine Welsh