Howie Long

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I'm a Catholic.
- Howie Long
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I was a street kid, but that meant hopping a ride on the back of the MTA down to Revere Beach - that's the beach that's made out of concrete - or sneaking into the Boston Garden to watch the Celtics or the Bruins.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I was sick a lot, and doctors told my grandmother I'd never grow up to be big and strong. Isn't that ironic?
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I think people have a different perception of me than what I am. I think they get me confused with Lyle Alzado.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I've always been a nice guy, but let's face it football's a mean game.
- Howie Long
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I really enjoy my time in Montana.
- Howie Long
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God gave me good people around me, and He gave me size. It's kind of a miracle, really.
- Howie Long
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I won't have the sacks of a Mark Gastineau and I won't get all those pursuit tackles. Our responsibilities are different. He's allowed to freelance all over the field. I have back-side responsibility. I have to play the reverses and cutbacks. Let me know when Gastineau decides to play the run.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I think people who had made the transition from sports into film, the mistake that they made in the past, they tried to be too much. They tried be the guy in the film.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I've been operated on a whole bunch. I've broken everything there is to break.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I have all the socks and underwear I need.
- Howie Long
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Marshawn Lynch is an angry, violent runner.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
Interestingly enough, on every team there's usually a minimum of two and a maximum of seven knuckleheads on a roster.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
You have to lead by example - my 80th play has to look the same as my first play.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I don't think I had one personal foul in my career. Now, that being said, no one can ever say I never brought it.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
There are always guys that give you a glimpse of the future. Maybe Gene Upshaw. Ted Hendricks. Lawrence Taylor was a glimpse of the future. Kellen Winslow was a glimpse of the future. Mike Haynes.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
You play to have an opportunity to win.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I'm a hungry individual, but I'm not mean.
- Howie Long
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Listen, if Bill Belichick were coaching in Poland, I think you'd be excited about playing for him.
- Howie Long
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Having grown up in that area, and being like every other kid that grows up in that area, it's John Havlicek, it's Bobby Orr, it's Sam Bam Cunningham, it's names and players like that who you kind of live your dreams through. Having come from there, I'm very proud of the fact I'm from Boston and continue to be proud of that.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
Professional athletes, like it or not, have a responsibility to the kids of America.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
The head coach is the director, the quarterback is the lead actor and the offensive linemen are the grips.
- Howie Long
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You don't have to sell the fact that a football player has toughness.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
The beauty of having played pro football for so long is that people haven't seen me angry, overly happy or despondent - the range of emotions a human being shows.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
What it comes down to is, people either want to watch what you're doing or they don't.
- Howie Long
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I really don't know what would have happened if my uncle hadn't taken me in. He took a hoodlum and turned him into a student-athlete from Milford.
- Howie Long
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When I left for Milford I was in the 10th grade and had never read a book from cover to cover. From the fifth grade on I felt if you studied intently something was wrong. The coolest kid in class was regarded as the leader and you fell in behind him or you were frowned upon... and whatever else that entailed.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I know I'm lucky to be where I am.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I enjoy what I do on the field. In fact, I need it. But I don't have a problem separating my on-field life from my off-field life.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
Growing up in Charlestown, we didn't have money, but we weren't poor either.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
My family members were always there and I was very fortunate for that I mean, I played hockey growing up. That was the sport everyone in Charlestown played back then, and I had skates and the equipment, but I was growing so fast, it became hard to afford new stuff every year. But hockey was it for me.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
If wives or girlfriends are knowledgeable about sports, it only benefits their relationships. It's all about give-and-take negotiations, like saying, 'I'll see 'Unforgiven' if you'll see 'The Bridges of Madison County.'
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
Run into other people for 20 years, you're gonna have pain. But I'd do it all again... It's like I say to my kids: 'Good things that happen are often a byproduct of a sacrifice you've made.'
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
My philosophy with Hollywood is the same as when I played ball. I try to bring everything I know to whatever I do. If I fail, then it's not for lack of trying.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
When I was playing football, I was offered little parts in movies, but I always said 'No, thanks.' It didn't seem to be the right time.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I don't really miss football anymore. I played for a long time, and played it well.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I almost said no to 'Broken Arrow.' I ended up doing it on a lark.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
Everything I've done after football requires so much less focus, less work, less stress, it's kind of like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You no longer have to be the toughest guy in the world.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I think you get used to being looked at. It used to bother me when I was young. But you get more secure with yourself at least as a man the older you get.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I grew up in the streets in Boston in a row-home neighborhood playing hockey.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I was an average football player in college.
- Howie Long
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Some teams hold a little more than others. It's an art, but it's not an art I appreciate.
- Howie Long
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As a kid, my goal was survival.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I used to live at Jack-in-the-Box.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I was lucky to make a lot of money in football, and broadcasting is succeeding beyond my wildest dreams, so I'm in the position to say no to a lot of things.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I just want to make a few action movies.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
I just play hard-hitting football, but at least I look the opponent in the face before I hit him.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
The Raiders hit straight up. And thats the way we expect to get hit.
- Howie Long
Image of Howie Long
Punters are players, too. They got to learn to take the hits. If they dont want to get hit, they shouldnt be out there.
- Howie Long