Hope Sandoval

Image of Hope Sandoval
I was a massive Rolling Stones fan, and I wanted to play music like... they do... were doing.
- Hope Sandoval
Image of Hope Sandoval
It's just like anybody else - some people, most people don't wanna go to school. They just don't want to. It's... not fun. I was just somebody who got away with it.
- Hope Sandoval
Image of Hope Sandoval
I think Liv Tyler's a nice-looking girl. Seems sweet.
- Hope Sandoval
Image of Hope Sandoval
I've always thought that people got the impression that I was a tough sort of ruffian type.
- Hope Sandoval
Image of Hope Sandoval
I think there'll always be things that kids get into that they grow out of when they start living real life.
- Hope Sandoval
Image of Hope Sandoval
I think we all grow up with idols and things like that.
- Hope Sandoval