Helena Bonham Carter

Image of Helena Bonham Carter
Famous people come up to me, but I don't know who they are because my sight is so bad. It's always at the pool of the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills when I don't have my lenses in and my glasses are in my room.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Collection: Famous
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
In any relationship, after the first year is over, you can't help but want your own space.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Collection: Relationship
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
The parenting bit is much harder than the acting bit. You just never know what to do.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Collection: Parenting
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
What I loved about playing the corpse is that obviously somebody else got to do the physical part. It appeals to the part of me that likes playing character parts and getting the chance to get away from my own physicality.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Collection: Chance
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
My mom being a psychotherapist, I've been brought up with that whole psychoanalytical terrain.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Collection: Mom
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I would pretend to be the French lieutenant's woman. I was always a romantic. I still am, actually.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Collection: Romantic
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I was sad that Corpse Bride was so short. I would've liked to have had her around for way longer. She doesn't actually have that many scenes.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Collection: Sad
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
It didn't matter what you look like. You don't have to get up at 5:30 in the morning and there's a lot to be said for that. Corpse Bride can just play all my parts from now on and I'll just do the voice.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Collection: Morning
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I drink booze, I smoke, and I'm hooked on caffeine. I actually have been known to swear at times and belch and even raise my voice when provoked. And I'm not physically repressed!
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I just do things because I fancy the parts and the directors.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
Not only was it nearly impossible to hear because of these huge rubber ears we had to wear, but we also had these huge furry hands which were absolutely useless, especially if you had to scratch yourself.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
If you're a queen, you're powerless, so I'd probably demote myself and go shopping.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
Multitasking? I can't even do two things at once. I can't even do one thing at once.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
Wearing corsets all the time was completely incapacitating, as far as digestion goes.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
Well, at least I'm not too thin. I eat.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
It would be nice to really shed the corsets.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
It's different when you're an actor and playing a part, but when it's just you, you feel immensely vulnerable have strangers prodding and prying.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
With the number of people I ignore, I'm lucky I work at all in this town.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I liked pretending to be other people: I could reinvent myself, reinvent my own reality.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
It took me ages to grow into being a woman, into being happy with it.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
You can't ever put your self-definition in the hands of somebody who meets you for 15 minutes.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I was a mixture of being incredibly old for my age and incredibly backwards. I was born quite old, but then I stopped growing. I lived with my mum and dad till I was 30.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I'm drawn to emotionally damaged characters because there is more to unlock.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
When I was young I had so many inferiority complexes. I had an inferiority complex because I didn't go to university. I had an inferiority complex because I didn't train. Then it gets tiring. And you do get bored of it.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I should get a few ribs taken out, because I'll be in a corset for the rest of my life.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I'm not dead and I don't have blue hair but some people say there are similarities. It is usually intolerable to watch myself onscreen but this time it's fine. I think it's beautiful and a real work of art.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
She looks like a warrior. I mean, Bellatrix does mean warrior. And she's also a bit of a fatale. She's the right hand of Voldemort, and the only woman death eater.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I think I've still got a bit of a sado-masochistic streak in me, because if I'm not going to be restricted by corsets and covered in lace, then I still wind up wearing an ape-mask over my face. I do wonder how I get myself in these situations!
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
Very early on, you figure out that you put your self-esteem in the hands of strangers. There's a different commodity. There's the Helena Bonham Carter that everyone thinks they know, who really has nothing to do with me. But you just have to let that go.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
There is no normality in life.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
Tim also has enough confidence so that it always looks like a Tim Burton film, but it really is collaborative. You're allowed to do it your way but of course he's always going to choose his way.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I love witches and magic and dress-up and make-believe.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I've never had white teeth. To be honest, I've never been told to do any of those horrible things - get your teeth whitened or your nose straightened.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
People say, 'You're still breast-feeding, that's so generous.' Generous, no! It gives me boobs and it takes my thighs away! It's sort of like natural liposuction. I'd carry on breast-feeding for the rest of my life if I could.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
J.K. Rowling said Bellatrix's role was going to be significant in the last one, when I showed some reluctance in playing a tiny bit part. Up front, they said, 'You're very significant in the last one.' But significant could mean a lot of things. That could just mean a significant plot point. Doesn't necessarily equal big part.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
All the ancient classic fairy tales have always been scary and dark.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
No matter how many modern parts I do, people still refer to me as Mrs. Costume Drama. Fight Club is a studio pic, and I've done very few of those. I've got a feeling it's going to change things for me.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
You learn to rely on a few basic movements and use your voice to the greatest extent possible to convey your emotions. So there was a technical challenge there and a responsibility to create a character from behind the mask.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
When you're up for an Oscar, you just get offered everything. It's fantastic, but a lot of it you're completely inappropriate for.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
It's easy for me to go back to being a kid. You know how kids can be like savages before they get civilized? There's that sadist quality. Y'know, like boys who like to pick apart an insect for the sake of it.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I was like one of those nauseatingly nice children. I was very, very well behaved and boring.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I hate this image of me as a prim Edwardian. I want to shock everyone.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
It took me so many years to move out. I'm definitely a bit of a Peter Pan, reluctant to grow up. It all seemed really nice at home-why change it? Part of me would prefer not to have any responsibility whatsoever.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I personally never got the gist of Facebook and Twitter.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
That's the thing with animated films - I often feel that puppets get the better parts compared to us normal actresses.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
You can actually have a pitch button, you know, to get people on pitch.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
Because I sleep with him he asked me to audition, you know?
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
It was weird because I was pregnant, throughout that so it was weird being a pregnant witch. I was in a really bad mood but luckily, because I sleep with the director, he just sort of scheduled me so I only had to do it two nights.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
I don't think kids have a problem with death. It's us older ones who are nearer to it, that start being frightened.
- Helena Bonham Carter
Image of Helena Bonham Carter
Most of my relationships were people in the business. Having said that, me and Tim don't really talk that much about work. He comes into my bit of the house every so often to vent but we don't really have very high, cultured conversations.
- Helena Bonham Carter