Harvey Cushing

Image of Harvey Cushing
The capacity of man himself is only revealed when, under stress and responsibility, he breaks through his educational shell, and he may then be a splendid surprise to himself no less than to this teachers.
- Harvey Cushing
Image of Harvey Cushing
I would like to see the day when somebody would be appointed surgeon somewhere who had no hands, for the operative part is the least part of the work.
- Harvey Cushing
Image of Harvey Cushing
A physician is obligated to consider more than a diseased organ, more even than the whole man - he must view the man in his world.
- Harvey Cushing
Image of Harvey Cushing
Standardization of our educational systems is apt to stamp out individualism and defeat the very ends of education by leveling the product down rather than up.
- Harvey Cushing
Image of Harvey Cushing
In these days when science is clearly in the saddle and when our knowledge of disease is advancing at a breathless pace, we are apt to forget that not all can ride and that he also serves who waits and who applies what the horseman discovers.
- Harvey Cushing
Image of Harvey Cushing
Nothing great or new can be done without enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the fly-wheel which carries your saw through the knots in the log.
- Harvey Cushing
Collection: Done
Image of Harvey Cushing
A certain excessiveness seems a necessary element in all greatness.
- Harvey Cushing
Collection: Life
Image of Harvey Cushing
Standardization of our educational systems [which includes testing]is apt to stamp out individualism and defeat the very ends of education by leveling the product down rather than up.
- Harvey Cushing
Collection: Educational
Image of Harvey Cushing
There is only one ultimate and effectual preventative for the maladies to which flesh is heir, and that is death.
- Harvey Cushing
Collection: Death