Harold Robbins

Image of Harold Robbins
Hemingway was a jerk.
- Harold Robbins
Image of Harold Robbins
I won't leave any unfinished manuscripts.
- Harold Robbins
Image of Harold Robbins
There's something luxurious about having a girl light your cigarette. In fact, I got married once on account of that.
- Harold Robbins
Collection: Girl
Image of Harold Robbins
People are not like a business. You can’t buy and sell them like so much property. You can’t lock them up in a vault and expect them to appreciate it.
- Harold Robbins
Collection: People
Image of Harold Robbins
Sex got me into trouble from the age of fifteen: I'm hoping that by the time I'm seventy I'll straighten it out.
- Harold Robbins
Collection: Sex
Image of Harold Robbins
I've always found it much more dangerous to fool with a man's mistress than his wife.
- Harold Robbins
Collection: Women
Image of Harold Robbins
The Carpetbaggers was the first big money I made. Money gave me a lot of freedom, but no matter how much you make there's always somebody chasing your ass for more.
- Harold Robbins
Collection: Matter
Image of Harold Robbins
Hemmingway was a jerk.
- Harold Robbins
Collection: Jerk