Hannah Simone

Image of Hannah Simone
I worked at the United Nations.
- Hannah Simone
Image of Hannah Simone
I was born in England, but then I lived in Calgary, Saudi Arabia, Cyprus, India, Vancouver, London, Toronto, and now L.A.
- Hannah Simone
Image of Hannah Simone
That's my family; we have a very British sense of humour, very dry.
- Hannah Simone
Image of Hannah Simone
I know quite a few friends who are models, and they're usually really smart, sharp, world-savvy people.
- Hannah Simone
Image of Hannah Simone
If you're not a workout person, go there 75 percent fast asleep. Anybody who has ever been in one of my workout classes knows I'm there practically in my pajamas!
- Hannah Simone
Image of Hannah Simone
I love to do Pilates, Bar Method, and spin. I'm addicted.
- Hannah Simone
Image of Hannah Simone
An eyelash curler changes your entire face. It opens your eyes up.
- Hannah Simone
Image of Hannah Simone
Clinique's Chubby Stick Moisturizing Lip Colour Balm in Chunky Cherry is perfect for people with my skin tone.
- Hannah Simone
Image of Hannah Simone
My family’s said to me from the beginning, ‘People are always going to tell you to pick what you want to be when you grow up. You take that and throw it out the window, that’s garbage. People are complicated and we love many things and we’re passionate about many things. You can be a human rights activist and also be doing these comedy plays in your community and that’s OK. All those things are a part of who you are and you can love them equally.
- Hannah Simone
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Hannah Simone
Curvy is just a polite way of saying fat.
- Hannah Simone
Collection: Way