Guy Sebastian

Image of Guy Sebastian
Girls, they just have something that guys don't have. They've got this patience and this motherly thing, we just don't have that same patience as men.
- Guy Sebastian
Collection: Patience
Image of Guy Sebastian
I don't feel God is what people have said He is throughout generations. For me it's a faith. People sometimes lose the concept of faith.
- Guy Sebastian
Collection: Faith
Image of Guy Sebastian
I don't know if there's only one God, I don't know if there's a God, I just have a faith that there is. That's what I've grown up with.
- Guy Sebastian
Collection: Faith
Image of Guy Sebastian
I think Jules has gotten hotter, with age. I mean you should've seen her when I first started dating her - not hot. I've told her that.
- Guy Sebastian
Collection: Dating
Image of Guy Sebastian
Open communication is the biggest turn-on.
- Guy Sebastian
Collection: Communication
Image of Guy Sebastian
When you live a truthful life, you can smile without anything behind it; uninhibited joy knowing that you are doing your best to be the best person you can be.
- Guy Sebastian
Collection: Smile
Image of Guy Sebastian
I've done things like Letterman and Jimmy Fallon.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
Representing Australia is not a thing I take lightly.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
We're in the best country in the world, it's unbelievable, I've travelled the world, I've lived in other places, from New York to the U.K. and I can never ever get out of those places what I get out of Australia and I think that's enough fuel for me to want to do well.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
There's never any time for anything that's remotely kinky, and even when I try to send some kinky stuff, it always gets shut down.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
Oh my God, building in Sydney has been extremely testing.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I literally went cold turkey on carbs, didn't have a grain of rice. No pasta, no bread, no booze - I didn't get on that for 10 weeks!
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I was a bit of a workaholic in the past and now I realize the importance of making room for what matters in life.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
A couple of years ago I undertook the challenge of being on the cover of Men's Health - it was seriously hard work, but I felt amazing.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
You've got to think as a listener when you're making a playlist. So I think 'When do I go to certain playlists, what are the moods I'm looking for?' Theme is crucial. People have a feeling and they want the music to be the backdrop to that feeling.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I think of a playlist like a setlist at a concert. The first song is crucial, that establishes the vibe.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
Tom Misch, I found him on a soul playlist.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I tend to just keep adding to a playlist, then I get bored and start a whole new one.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
None of us are perfect, but the truth is important and it is something we should all strive for.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I know who I am and I'm unashamed as well.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I'm not trying to be something that I'm not.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
Initially I thought I'd get to Memphis and freak out, I thought I was going to feel so inadequate but I got there, and something grabbed hold of me and I just knew this was my arena.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
If I am going to shine in any arena, it is going to be blues and soul.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
The truth is I worked really hard over the years, and I had some stop/starts along the way.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I must say that kids make it a lot harder process, especially having to live the life of a traveling recording artist.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I'd love to be able to take a 8-months off on the coast somewhere, like some of my musician friends, and create an album but instead I have to create what I do in the midst of chaos.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I take in a lot of different styles when I listen to music, but when I'm actually writing a song it comes from a very stripped back place that focuses on melody and soaring choruses that lift-off.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
But I wanted to put on a good show and make people believe in my music more than just being another TV artist.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I am trying to get used to living in Sydney and it is not really happening so I might have to get a house in Adelaide somewhere.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
If you were watching the Olympics, you absolutely saw a 'Voice' ad. You could not escape that 'The Voice' was on, so it was really well done by Seven.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
And I always actually say, 'The Voice' isn't just about trying to find a superstar. We also give a platform to gigging musicians and people who do what they do, and expose them to so many other people to enhance what they do.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I hate people feeling like failures, I hate it because no one's a failure.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
There's a fair bit more pressure on 'The Voice' when you're performing.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
There's something lifts off me when I'm in Adelaide.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
Deep down I'm just a suburban Adelaide boy who likes to have a nice burger at Tea Tree Plaza and go to movies on Cheap Tuesday.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I just feel a bit out of my depth in Sydney.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I'm living in Sydney now - but you know when you've grown up in a certain place and you end up living in another, you never really quite feel like it's home. You feel like a bit of an impostor. I feel like I'm in a place that's moving faster than I can swim.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I wrote 'Linger' in about eight minutes. But some songs will take weeks to write.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I'll generally always get melody first and then I'll go in and try and think of a title and lyrics generally come last.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
Some people are great lyricists, but they're terrible at melody. But I could do melodies till the cows come home.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
As far as melodies go, I could probably write 100 songs in a day - with no words of course - just because I love melody.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I used to work in a warehouse in Woodville North and we always used to take bets like most places do on Cup day... and I was lucky three years in a row. I always picked the right horse.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I just like donning a nice suit and getting dressed up.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
Hudson just melts my heart. When I come home, he says, 'Daddy, daddy,' and it just turns my day around.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
When you live your life with honesty and integrity, there is nothing that anyone can ever take away from you.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
It's always good to be home and see the parents, and hit up my favorite Chinatown cafes for curry chicken rice.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
The purpose of my songwriting is to put the things I have been through in a song in order to help others who may be in a similar situation.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
Mate I'm eating the most rancid stuff, like frog legs and all sorts of weird stuff. Mate, I'll try anything once.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
I wanted to say I don't agree with capital punishment.
- Guy Sebastian
Image of Guy Sebastian
With Malaysian and Indian heritage, food is a big part of our culture and I am always cooking and always entertaining.
- Guy Sebastian