Grigor Dimitrov

Image of Grigor Dimitrov
In order to be the best, you have to be around the best.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Collection: Best
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
It's good to have a good teacher, but you always need a pretty good student.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Collection: Teacher
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
With the right set of mind, with the right people, with the right support, things happen.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I have so many different interests in so many areas that sometimes I just need to chill, step back, and let it be.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I am always wearing a bracelet, necklace, and watch. I don't even care if they don't match.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
As long as I don't overindulge, it's OK for me to eat burgers and ice cream occasionally. As for alcohol? I've never tried it.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
Tennis players have the ugliest feet.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
There is always a dream, for me, in the locker room before matches as well during the day. If you have a strong mind, a strong tendency to keep you strong, I think your dream is coming.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I'm just going to have to keep working on what I have to and keep chasing my goals.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I'm the kind of guy that I cannot just lock myself in the room and just think tennis for 24 hours.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
There is no shortcuts. Play your best tennis, give your heart out, and anything can happen.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I think the first step is definitely Top 5. From there, you can sort of see the end, and that's the top. In order to do that, you need to win Slams and big tournaments. That's just proven. There is no other way.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
You're going to play a lot of tournaments during the year, a lot of traveling. If you have a good set of mind, you're committed to the work, you want to do that work, and you definitely got to do it. Doesn't matter if you have four, five, six losses in a row, that doesn't have to discourage you to stop all of a sudden.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I love design; to create stuff from ground zero is the best for me. I'm always so intense when I talk about that.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I have always been an admirer of Feli, Feli Lopez. He's just - I mean, every time - he's, like, fit and good and his long hair and the beard.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I think, losses, I think they teach you the most, but it's tough. I'm not gonna lie. It sucks. It's terrible. You can't sleep for two days.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
One of the scariest things for any athlete, I think, is pretty much the off season.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I think 2014 was, like, throughout the whole year, I had this fantastic year.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
At some point, you have worked so hard in your life and your tennis that you don't want to be too much up and down. You want to do what you have done and eventually get better.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
You've just got to take things the way they are and accept them and strive.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
Of course there is a lot of things you can work on and change and all that, but first I think you should look at yourself before you actually start trying to find excuse in the other people, whether it's going to be coach, physio, family, or whoever else is on your side.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
Wimbledon is a very special tournament, and for me, it's one of the best events.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
You have to forget you are playing against your idol, because the guy on the other side also wants to play better than you and beat you. I don't think you should allow yourself to think like this when you go against any player.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
You never know how many times you're going to be able to come out on Rod Laver Arena and just play.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I am always focusing on what I can do better for years down the line.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
It's always tricky to play against a player who you've never played against.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
One tournament can change everything for you. You never know when that tournament might be.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
Tennis is one of those sports: whatever you put in, you get out.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
There's a lot of distractions in New York.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I think people enjoy seeing my kind of game.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
My dad taught me how to play tennis, and I owe that to him. But the better you get, the higher you climb, and the more lonely you get. I've had to sacrifice a lot of personal relationships, but that's the choice I made.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I'm terrible at relaxing and holidays. For me, a day off is going to the gym. I could never just lie on the beach and read a book.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I'm a very good sleeper, especially during a tournament; I usually get eight hours a night, even before a big match.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
When you step out on the grounds of Wimbledon, you feel that respect, you feel that heritage, feel the history.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I know what I have to do in order to do good.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
Who wouldn't want to practice with the No. 1 player in the world?
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
The first time I heard 'Baby Federer,' I was maybe 16. After that, it sort of took off.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
At some point in your life, you need to sit down and say, 'What do I want to do? How do I want to be remembered? What's my legacy? And what's important to me?'
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
It's very hard to look at the man in the mirror. Because you can't hide anything.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I can take five showers in one day.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I don't like taking showers in the locker room after a match.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I get manicures and pedicures because I don't want to be one of those guys with messed-up hands and feet.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I think when I was younger, I was struggling to kind of differentiating love from a personal love or a tennis love or whatever else. There was time that I wasn't sure how to deal with both things in the same time. But you learn. I guess we grow. I mean, I don't want to say I've learned from my mistakes, but I've learned myself a little bit better.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
All I'm focused on is playing my game. Everything else will take care of itself.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I've always been a very easy-going person.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I don't want to say 'gullible,' but when I saw someone, I always thought that person is the way they present themselves.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
The majority of decisions, I've always taken by myself.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I even remember the first contract I ever signed. I was 13 or 14... my dad said, 'It's your choice. It's your life.'
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
It would be difficult to pick out one shot as my main strength, as I like all my shots, and I can do anything on any surface.
- Grigor Dimitrov
Image of Grigor Dimitrov
I believe in my abilities, as when I get things right, things happen for me.
- Grigor Dimitrov