Gregg Wallace

Image of Gregg Wallace
If people ate local and seasonal food they'd eat far better and cheaper foods and it would help farming in this country. There are far too many imported vegetables.
- Gregg Wallace
Collection: Food
Image of Gregg Wallace
If I'm doing a pavlova, for example, I need a recipe as I can't remember it well.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
Everybody loves a picnic in the sunshine. It was always so magical when we were kids.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I try to be as fit as possible, so I do a lot of exercise every day. Cardio, weights, uphill walking.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I once told a white South African woman that her food was as weak as the Rand, and she complained of racism. Now I watch what I say.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
Happy men are not the ones in the pub, laughing. Happy men are at home with their wives and family. There is no one happy in the pub.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I actually think I'm lucky. Because blokes who lose their hair at a later age, in their thirties and forties, get hung up about it. Because they had hair and then lose it. But I've never had that problem.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
Picnics enable you to be outside, eat fun finger-food and enjoy that greatest of pastimes: People-watching.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I've always made friends with people who have either money or influence and it's something that I've struggled to let go of because I've been so needy in the past.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
In my romantic Shangri-La, I'm loved for me. They accept my faults and think, 'He works too hard, he can be difficult, but he's great.'
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
One drawback about judging on 'MasterChef' is that, as the series gets busier and busier and the food gets better, you take bigger and bigger mouthfuls of all that rich, sweet, fatty food, and we really put on weight.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I used to go to the pub every day and drink five pints of beer and then think, 'What is it that's making me put on weight?'
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I learned that South Africa is the most diverse country I have ever seen. The diversity is just striking. The food, the people, the culture, the look and the feel, for that all to be one country.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I'm needy, I need approval in everything I do.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
As soon as my clothes come back from the laundry I hang them up on the left-hand side of the wardrobe and take clothes to wear from the right, so they're constantly rotating.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I'm happy to tell the whole world everything about me because I want people to like me.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I always eat breakfast as I've just come out of gym and I'm ravenous for protein.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
When I lived in Whitstable, Kent, I used a Harvester all the time in Herne Bay and people used to say, 'I didn't expect to see you in here.' Why wouldn't I be in here?
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
A man - hairy or not - should still spend time on personal hygiene.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I hate barbecues in the U.K., they're always put together by people who don't cook.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I've changed my own lifestyle since a doctor warned me my cholesterol levels meant I was in danger of a heart attack.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I might have a chocolate bar on the go for energy.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I haven't been invited to anyone's for dinner since the show began. I like eating with friends in restaurants instead. You all choose what to eat, have a starter, main and dessert, and then you go home.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I have a very spartan flat in London, and when they see it people say: 'Why don't you make it more homely?' The reason is that it's just a place to sleep when I'm working.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
On 'Masterchef' I'm always a big fan of the puddings. But I have to confess, as a child I absolutely loved butterscotch angel delight. My mum used to make it in huge bowls. She's one of the worst cooks ever, bless her. The best thing she did was a chilli con carne, and that was still terrible.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
The most important thing for a date is not to prepare anything too complex because you're likely to be a little bit too stressed. Also, she's there to see you and not your plate of food. Spend as little time in the kitchen as possible.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
Mum bought our dinners from Bejams, a frozen food centre. We had a huge chest freezer, back in the 70s and we filled it chockablock with frozen stuff.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I don't want lots of someones. I want to be with that special someone.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
There's some terrible food on 'Come Dine With Me' and that creates some great moments.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I really like 'Come Dine With Me' and 'Eating With My Ex.' Both shows have my two favourite things: people and food.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I wish 'I, Claudius' had never ended back in 1976. That was the best TV show the world has ever seen - apart from 'MasterChef' of course.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I want to be on 'Love Island' because I want to show how toned I've gotten and I also want to increase my Instagram following and get a clothing deal with Uniqlo.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
Every household down my road in Peckham, south-east London, stunk of deep-fat frying and I'm sure every working-class home around the country was the same. How would you have done chips and Spam fritters without a deep-fat fryer?
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
Our nation was built on chips and Spam fritters.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
The main thing to remember is that things like deep-fat-fried foods, or the delicious sugary buttery cakes like Mary Berry bakes, are treats.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
Nothing beat that welcoming smell of fried food wafting into the hallway from the kitchen as I walked in from school as a kid.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
Even though I have a warm, nostalgic view of spam fritters, if you gave them to me now, I would probably find them absolutely disgusting.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
In my childhood home, the chip pan was always on the go.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
When you go out for a good meal, chances are that there will be a deep fat fryer in the kitchen. Every Michelin star restaurant will have one.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I'm the bald fat bloke off 'MasterChef.'
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I have to confess that I've never seen Australian 'MasterChef.'
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
Don't want to be so fat? Then eat fewer calories - it really is that simple.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
Sadly, in my work on shows like 'Eat Well For Less?' I know that people ARE misinformed about what's on their plate. Many would be shocked to discover their Friday fish and chips is close to 1,400 calories.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
My website ShowMe.Fit is all about helping people make simple lifestyle changes to help them lose weight and get healthier.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I'm a technophobe, I just don't understand it.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
Two things in life I hate - one is technology, the other is forms. I just have an aversion to them.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
You can't get a phone any more that just makes phone calls. And that's all I want to use it for.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
I download music, I don't buy CDs any more, but I still buy DVDs.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
Having my baby boy made me want to be fit and strong.
- Gregg Wallace
Image of Gregg Wallace
There are days when I lack motivation - but I still workout.
- Gregg Wallace