Glen Campbell

Image of Glen Campbell
There's no pillow as soft as a clear conscience.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
Life is too short not to enjoy it.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
Success is not getting what you want, it's enjoying what you have.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
To play with a symphony today is just fabulous.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I guess I'm like Roger Miller who used to say that he didn't have as many jokes as he thought he did.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I needed a capo - a clamp to hold down the strings - so my daddy made me one out of a corn on the cob and a rubber band.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
Ah, the Wrecking Crew! They played on everything that came out of L.A. Oh, that was a good band. You really enjoyed going to work. You played for everyone; it didn't matter what it was.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
Some things I don't want to remember.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I got to play with the big guys, the Wrecking Crew. They just blew me away. I learned a lot of stuff from those guys.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I like to start the day early, it keeps me out of trouble.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
Picking a guitar was a lot easier than picking cotton.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
We didn't have electricity when I was a kid. We had to watch TV by candlelight. No, that's a silly joke.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I spent some time in Hell.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
Honesty I can take. Lies I get upset about.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
When we cut 'Strangers In The Night,' we did the whole song in two takes.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I'll tell you, my dad played and sang, and it didn't take me long to figure out that playing a guitar was a whole lot better than getting ahold of a hoe handle or chopping cotton, man.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
A good song is a good song.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I was out of control... I was a mess, but God has forgiven me.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
God saved me.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I still love making music. And I still love performing for my fans. I'd like to thank them for sticking with me through thick and thin.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
You don't play around with a good song. You try to just say it right in the proper place, and if you get the music and voice in tune, you'll be all right. That's always worked for me.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
Elvis was a great singer. He really was.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
We lived on the farm, and our mode of transportation was wagon and team. No electricity. I'm the seventh son of 12 kids - eight boys and four girls. Mom and Dad handled that very well. But I wanted to get out.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I don't have Alzheimer's. I have part-timer's.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I would have been content to just do studio work, making it on my own never really entered my mind.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I like to play golf. You know, make a little money, lose a little money. Get 10 bucks, lose 20 bucks.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I'm really not a songwriter, so if I hear a song, I feel it and like it, I'll do it. But I'll make it the way I want to hear it.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I'd have to pick cotton for a year to make what I'd make in a week in L.A.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I know it was raw in some places, and I was a jerk in some places, but that's the way I was, and I was stupid.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
We moved to Los Angeles because our daughter wanted to go to Pepperdine.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
TV is just an incredible media.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I've laughed, and I've cried. Laughing has got it over crying.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
Some people have said that I can 'hear' a hit song, meaning that I can tell the first time a song is played for me if it has potential. I have been able to hear some of the hits that way, but I can also 'feel' one.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I listened to a battery radio, old country and pop stuff. Because I was singing all the time, my dad bought me a $7.50 guitar.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I've often asked myself, how much information can the brain actually hold? There'll probably come a day when you're able to download it; that's what you have to do when the machine's full.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
God only knows just how much I'm going to do, or not going to do.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I gave John Wayne the push he needed to get that Oscar.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I just tell you, the Lord's been good to me. Even if I was a rounder, He's been really, really nice to me.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I worked my butt off.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
With the first money I got, I built my parents a house back home, gave them a string of credit cards, and said 'Go.'
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I can think of only two or three songs out of hundreds I've recorded that I performed as originally written. I like to become intimate with the material and change it to suit me.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
All my records - 'By the Time I Get to Phoenix,' 'Wichita Lineman,' 'Galveston,' 'Rhinestone Cowboy,' 'Dreams of the Everyday Housewife' - they all had strings on them.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
If I get a song - a good song - I just sing it the way I hear it in my head. If anybody else wanted to add whistles and bells and chains rattling, that's fine. Just not too much. I actually just do things as straight ahead as possible.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
The more you play music, the better you'll get.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
'True Grit' was fun to do, but I wasn't cut out to be an actor. I made John Wayne look so good, he won his only Oscar.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I like 'me'/'I' songs.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
Daddy - I remember when he first let me drive the cultivator for him, you know... He eased you into the hard work that you had to do later.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I just wanted to do a music show, with the whole realm of music from Ella Fitzgerald to rock bands like Cream to Kenny Rogers. We had a lot of country, but we did every kind of music. The Monkees were on, and so was Johnny Cash.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I have been very blessed with some great songs.
- Glen Campbell
Image of Glen Campbell
I was very candid in my book because I want people to know the truth... and that people can change for the better.
- Glen Campbell