Gisele Bundchen

Image of Gisele Bundchen
Sometimes when you are a great mom, you're not so great at your job. And then when you're good at your job, you're not so great of a mom or a good wife. It's a dance that never stops. But it's beautiful.
- Gisele Bundchen
Collection: Mom
Image of Gisele Bundchen
If I could choose, I'd be bare feet with animals all around me and living in a tree house. Like Tarzan and Jane, that's my dream. I'm at my happiest around nature.
- Gisele Bundchen
Collection: Nature
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I feel grateful because I have a lot of love in my life. I found the person I'm sharing my life with. I have a good man.
- Gisele Bundchen
Collection: Thankful
Image of Gisele Bundchen
Having the strength to tune out negativity and remain focused on what I want gives me the will and confidence to achieve my goals.
- Gisele Bundchen
Collection: Strength
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I believe in taking chances and living your life. Sometimes doors open and others close and you have to figure out which one you're going to take. I'm always for the one that's challenging.
- Gisele Bundchen
Collection: Chance
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I feel privileged to be a U.N. ambassador. It gives me an opportunity to use my voice to help raise awareness about important social and environmental issues.
- Gisele Bundchen
Collection: Environmental
Image of Gisele Bundchen
Christmas and the holidays are the season of giving. It's a time when people are more kind and open-hearted.
- Gisele Bundchen
Collection: Christmas
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I'm one of these people that likes adrenaline and new things, like extreme sports. It makes me feel alive.
- Gisele Bundchen
Collection: Sports
Image of Gisele Bundchen
The more you trust your intuition, the more empowered you become, the stronger you become, and the happier you become.
- Gisele Bundchen
Collection: Trust
Image of Gisele Bundchen
There is good in everything; it's just how you choose to look at it. Everything that's worth it has a price. For me to be a model - I had to leave my family. Do you think I liked that? No! There are sacrifices. Life is meant to be a challenge, because challenges are what make you grow.
- Gisele Bundchen
Collection: Family
Image of Gisele Bundchen
As long as I'm a good person and I do things from the heart, that's all that matters.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I'm not afraid of working hard at anything, whatever it is. I just always want to be the best that I can.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
Children are like little angels - there's no way you can't love them.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I feel like when people judge me they're not judging me, because they don't know who I am.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I wouldn't call myself an actress, but I at the same time, if there is an opportunity... I believe in taking chances and living your life.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
It's unfortunate that in an interview sometimes things can seem so black and white.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
When you come from a big family, you see that, growing up, you're learning how to share. Your sisters have got your back; you're not alone in this - 'We all support you!' Your family provides that; it gives you a sense of safety, and it's a very grounding feeling.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I'm very nurturing. I come from a large family, and my parents were loving. But the most important thing for me as a mum is to keep my word. When I say no, I mean no.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I love that feeling of, you know, we are women, we are so different, our imperfections are what make us unique and beautiful.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
If you're wearing smoky eye makeup, a little beige or gold pencil on the inner eye corners will open up the area, but you only want to do it if the shadow is really dark. Otherwise, light pencil makes your eyes look too far apart, like a fish.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I'll never forget the day when a woman came up to me and said, 'No, you could never be on a magazine cover. Your face features don't work; your eyes are small, you have a small face but a big nose.' I was only 14 and I had never noticed any of that stuff, you know?
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
The mind is more powerful than anything. So, during the birth I wasn't thinking about the pain. I was in a meditation state. I was concentrating the whole time, thinking, 'Oh my God, it's time. I am going to meet my baby. What is he going to look like?'
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I noticed every time I felt overwhelmed, I would hold my breath. I had to learn to stop, relax, and take long deep breaths, and within seconds I would feel more clear and ready to deal with the situation in a more loving way.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I have a lot of fruit trees and my own little vegetable garden and chickens. And every time I eat, I bless my food; I say I'm grateful for for it and let it nourish every part of my body.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
The most beautiful thing about Brazil that I always find that is so unlike any other place I've been in the world is the diversity of its people.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
People think if you look after yourself you're being selfish, you know.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
Brazil has its own fashion identity. Many very talented Brazilian designers show every season at Sao Paulo and Rio fashion weeks.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I'm a very hyper person.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
For too long, the world has been focused on short-term growth and development at the expense of our long-term survival as we have depleted our natural resources at historically reckless rates.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
Gossip is poison.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
For me, making schedules are critical to make sure we attend to all the needs of the kids and our family. After adding everyone's schedule on the calendar, I make sure that every day I have some sacred time for myself so I can recharge.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
My two grandmothers both died of cancer, so I understand how painful and difficult this disease is on the entire family. My first grandmother passed away from bone cancer when I was about 10. It was really horrible. I remember the whole process like it was yesterday.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
Sometimes doors open and other close and you have to figure out which one you're going to take. I'm always for the one that's challenging. That's where I think you live your life to the fullest.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I was in the fashion shows in Milan; I was seventeen, I was doing like 100 shows. People were asking, 'How does it feel to be the model of the moment?' It was hard for me to answer as myself. I barely spoke English.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I think a lot of people get pregnant and decide they can turn into garbage disposals.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I'm not an actress, you know. I don't know what's going on. And I'm supposed to be the villain.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I'm a workaholic. I've been doing my job for a long time.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I never really thought about being an actress or being anything like that. I was always a bit scared as well because of the thing about models becoming an actress and all that.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I think it's better when you're natural, when you just do whatever you want, instead of doing classes where I see all these other people holding back because they've been trained with certain skills or techniques. I'm like, whatever.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
It was my first scene. My first day. We could have started with me drinking a beer, something a little less than having Barbies touching each other. But they started with that.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I'm very interested in charities. I help a lot of different charities.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
It was like two different photographers, and shot in three different locations and it was really fun to do. There were 12 beautiful girls in it. It was great.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I don't like Paris so much, and it's only eight shows. I mean, don't tell them that, of course. But everyone always thinks they're so important. And I'm sure they are. But to me, my happiness is more important.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
If you have your wife, and you are proud of something she's done, wouldn't you go and support her in something? That is what I was trying to do.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I don't wear fur and I understand their cause. I am the biggest animal lover in the world. I have four dogs and two horses, and I have rescued animals all my life.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I did kung fu up until two weeks before Benjamin was born, and yoga three days a week. I think a lot of people get pregnant and decide they can turn into garbage disposals. I was mindful about what I ate, and I gained only 30 pounds.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I felt like my pregnancy was a sacred moment for me. I stayed in Boston and I didn't work apart from the contracts I have, and then I only let them use my face.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
There's a button that goes On and I'm On. And when I go On, there is almost no me; there is just a character who is doing all this.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
When I came to New York and I opened the window of the thirty-fifth-floor apartment, there's light pollution and fog, and I couldn't see my star. So I drew it on my wrist with a pen, but it kept washing away. Then I went to a tattoo parlor on Second Avenue and had it done.
- Gisele Bundchen
Image of Gisele Bundchen
I cannot put this poison on my skin. I do not use anything synthetic.
- Gisele Bundchen