
Image of Ginuwine
Absolutely I view life from a different perspective than I did in my past. It's rewarding, to me, because it actually lets me know that I am growing up.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
It's important to show love to the people that came before you.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I don't like the way a lot of music is going these days. No one buys it.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
People who come to see me have expectations. If I don't live up to those expectations, I'd be a failure.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
It's always good to have friends, but it's really about family. When you're younger, that isn't always clear. With friends it's about going out and kicking it. You learn that's not where it ends up.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
Look at the New Kids on the Block, the Back Street Boys and *NSYNC... all those boy bands happened because of New Edition.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
We can't control everything in our lives. Sometimes you're No. 2, 3, 4 or 5. That doesn't matter. What matters is that you strive to be No. 1.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I know music is just powerful in itself and to have someone say the words that I sat down and wrote changed their life or made them feel a certain way, that hits something in you.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
You've gotta be humble. That's what I've been throughout my whole career.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I like to make songs that are gonna be here for a long time, not for five months that they play on the radio.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I like to get judged on my talent and, when you see me, how I look.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
One of my daughters wants to act, but none of them sing - well, one of them sings but she's got some ways to go. I love her acting. I'm actually trying to put her in some classes and everything so she can learn the art of acting. I don't want her to get no parts because her dad is Ginuwine. I want her to earn it.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I think everyone should aspire to be someone great, and that was one of the greats. Aaliyah was one of the great ones.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
Aaliyah was in a class by herself.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
R&B is everywhere, and I am who I am.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I'm a firm believer when I'm doing my job to not want anybody around.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I don't like to go out a lot. It's trouble.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I really admire other voices.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
If I don't feel it when I'm sitting there, if it doesn't give me the feeling I got when I heard 'Pony' or 'So Anxious' or 'In Those Jeans,' I scrap it.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I don't want to put out a CD of album songs. I'm gunning for every song to be a single.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I'm glad I was part of history, here long after I'm gone.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
It is my duty to bring awareness to people in need.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
Anything that's going to continue to keep you out there as an artist, you've got to appreciate and embrace it.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
It's just a good thing to be a part of history and a lot of people will not be able to say that.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
R&B touches your heart.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I never wanted to be flavour of the month.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
Me and my brothers decided to form a group called T.G.T. - Tyrese, Ginuwine and Tank.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I still have my talent, knowledge and I have my work ethic.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
That's what people love and respect about me. I'm going to give you 100 percent.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I think any smart businessman would go where the money is bigger, but I also feel like you don't forget your roots either.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
You don't alienate the people that helped you and started you out.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I can take truth.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
A lot of people bit into Timbaland's sounds.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
In acting you have to not be yourself. It's like whatever character is put on, you have to just to turn into that person.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I've been to acting coaches and everything, but they had to open me up and all that, so now I'm getting better with it.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
Tyrese is my boy.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
Tank is my boy. I'm the first artist he's ever been on the road with. We go all the way back to 'Pony.' He was my background singer on my tour.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I want to represent my name to the fullest: Ginuwine.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
All my career I've been like a leader, and a lot of people followed what I did.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I really want to be different.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
A show isn't just a show, a show is entertainment; it's modeling, acting, singing and dancing all ripped into one, with the little time that we have to do it.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I just like to do things that people can remember, but I wanna always do my own album and make statements.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
Relationships are something I know about.
- Ginuwine
Image of Ginuwine
I never claimed to be the best singer, I never claimed to be the best dancer, but I do claim to be the person that can put them together best.
- Ginuwine
Collection: Dancer
Image of Ginuwine
I feel like I put it together better than anybody else. I don't feel like I'm the best dancer. I don't feel like I'm the best singer. I don't feel like I'm the best looking. I feel like I'm the best at putting it all together.
- Ginuwine
Collection: Dancer
Image of Ginuwine
The only thing that's new is the internet! But the problems and issues that all the kids go through now, it's nothing different! It's funny how your kid can come home and tell you something and you can tell them almost how it's going to play out. It's crazy, I be like 'Wow, am I that old?' But you've seen it before, and it's the same thing.
- Ginuwine
Collection: Crazy
Image of Ginuwine
Someone has to really like you to go out there and physically get your CD. Shout out to everybody who actually paid for the CD. A lot of people don't realize that's how we live, that's our job. When we people take music from us, that's just like taking food off of our table and it's not cool. It's a lot of blood, sweat and tears that goes into the music and those lyrics. To have people just go and steal it, it doesn't feel well.
- Ginuwine
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ginuwine
For me, I feel like if a woman doesn't find me attractive 'cause I'm taking care of myself, then that's not the woman I want.
- Ginuwine
Collection: Care
Image of Ginuwine
I'm older now, and I been through that, like, 'Stop. Tell the truth, what I need to do?' And I think that's important, as far as artist, for me to stand for what I believe in, And a lot of times people don't like that, you know what I'm saying. You become a troubled artist, or, 'You don't listen,' but as long as I say 'Yeah, I'll do it!' I'm a good person.
- Ginuwine
Collection: Believe