Gigi Gorgeous

Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I saw everyone else as 'normal' and myself as messed up in a way. And all of that made me so angry. Stealing allowed me to take my anger out on something else.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Collection: Anger
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
With any huge change, you need to expect and accept that people will have their own opinions and feel the need to express them.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
To me, mass media is when you are able to use a platform to reach an audience on a large, global scale, and I think YouTube has certainly achieved that and is still finding ways to bring a wider range of content to its audience.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
Reading the final copy of my book was like walking down memory lane all over again. Sure, the writing process was emotional, but when I had the final copy in my hands, it was a completely different feeling.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
Everyone knows that a compliment goes a very long way, and you never know what someone's going through in their life - giving them a compliment might mean the world to them.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I feel like it's a natural progression for two people in love to talk about having children and taking that next step in creating a family.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I've always wanted to get married.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I can't give birth to my own child; we know that. But it's still embarrassing to me, and that's just how I feel. It's a sensitive subject.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
Childbirth and being pregnant is something that I've always wanted. I feel like you feel the most feminine; you look the most feminine.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I started stealing in ninth grade. And I don't mean a pack of gum from the convenience store here and there. I mean stealing on the regular. It got really bad. It was one hundred percent an addiction.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I have an addictive personality, so when I like something, I really want it all.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
Stealing was a rush to me, more about the feeling than the thing I was stealing.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I share a lot more than I ever really thought I would with friends, let alone millions of people, and it really started surface level for me: beauty, fashion, lifestyle, whatever.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
For me, how I live every day is with the kind of mentality that you're never, ever guaranteed tomorrow.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I love documenting. Having these videos forever is priceless to me, so I think I will be doing it forever, but who knows if YouTube is gonna be around forever.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
You just wake up every single day with a clear mind and basically just have fun and be positive, because God knows what could happen, you know?
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I had a very traditional upbringing. Family has always been really important to me.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
Marriage is absolutely something that's important to me. It's the ultimate symbolic step in love.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I talk about past relationships in my book, all of which I would never regret, as they played huge parts in who I am today.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I think that being open, in general, is really important. If you're not, you close yourself off to experiences.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I was always super outgoing, loud, the social butterfly of my high school and elementary school.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I didn't know how to socialize. I wasn't able to date. I felt like I was missing out on life. When I stopped diving, I started living.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I could go on Twitter, Instagram, and literally, my soul will be lifted by things that I see. It just makes me really happy.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I definitely have to censor myself a lot of the time because I'm used to just being a loose cannon, and I'm used to doing and saying whatever I want because I work on YouTube.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I think it will always be me if I always keep a vulnerable side and honest side. My brand has grown because I have done the work. But it will always be me because I will always get down; I will always have those moments.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I want to go to Japan. I feel like they love blonde girls.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I really want to go to Greece. I want to go to Australia.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I want to travel the world. I want to go everywhere. Everywhere.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I've always kind of gotten my personality from my mom, and whether that's 'star quality' or whatever... a lot of her is in me.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I would love to open up my horizons. I love trying new things.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I'm really excited for the future, and I'm a very extremely creative person.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
Anything that I can try that's different that I can put my heart into? I'm so down.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I started using YouTube when I really wanted to reach out to the world, and I found a group of people who had the same interests as me.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I've built up such a thick skin. It's very easy to take one comment - whether it be a really mean comment that digs deep or just something rude - and really run with it. It's so easy: if there are 100 comments, and 99 are nice, you just run with the bad one.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I think 'understanding' and 'acceptance' are the most important words.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
Love trumps hate in many ways, in every way, and you can be your authentic self. If you put your mind to it, and you put your work in, all your dreams can come true.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I always wanted to be in movies, but I never thought that in a million years there would be a documentary about my life.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
Creating content on YouTube played a huge role in helping define myself, as making videos was and still is a creative outlet for me - a way to express myself.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
By using the digital platform YouTube, I have been able to build and grow my content-creating business and am proud to call myself a successful female entrepreneur.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I started doing videos in high school with my friends. I was very popular. I did my own kind of little reality show - mainly, my videos were about beauty and very gossipy in nature.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I was just a very creative kid.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
You can have everything in the world, but if you aren't happy within yourself, it's not worth it.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I surrounded myself with very positive people who only wanted the best for me. I loved high school as a whole. I consider myself really lucky.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I hope people gravitate to me because I am a real person, and I strongly believe if you put out good energy, it will come back to you.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I had a few friends when moving to L.A. but have been so lucky to have made such great friends. I think it's most important to be honest and real and put out good vibes.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
I think a lot of people who maybe know me from one video or come upon me randomly think I'm stuck-up because I'm blonde, or the way I come off, or from something I might have said. But everybody who actually knows me knows that I'm very down-to-earth and super chill.
- Gigi Gorgeous
Image of Gigi Gorgeous
That's the career I've had - I've always had fun with the things I'm doing. At the end of the day, it's always fun.
- Gigi Gorgeous