Geraldine James

Image of Geraldine James
The secret to a happy marriage is friendship and laughter. There's no alternative.
- Geraldine James
Collection: Friendship
Image of Geraldine James
I think French hotels are generally pretty awful - lumpy beds, often not terribly clean and just uncomfortable - but usually the food is fantastic.
- Geraldine James
Collection: Food
Image of Geraldine James
Jo and I have a marriage based on friendship, which means hopefully you can survive. I'm so glad we have.
- Geraldine James
Collection: Friendship
Image of Geraldine James
Alcohol in families is often kept secret. There's a sense of shame.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I'd love to do more Shakespeare but Shakespeare didn't write parts for older women.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
My mother was an alcoholic, in and out of hospital my entire childhood. My father, a doctor, divorced her when I was 14. My brother and sister and I had no one to turn to, and we never spoke about it.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I'm cast for my acting, which is fortunate because when you're one of the pretty young things it can be difficult.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I've done a few jobs where there's a daughter, there's often a father who's positive and then there's a quite negative mother. I'm very interested in why so many of those come up.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I don't believe anybody is just an evil cow.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
As a woman growing older I've gone through that process of suddenly realising I'm invisible in the world, having not been invisible when I was young.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I don't suffer depression because I don't worry about what's past. But anxiety is about the future and I do worry about that. I do fret a bit.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I'm not one of those actors who can complain that work's thinned out since I've got older.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I remember getting out of bed at night and sitting on the stairs listening to my parents arguing and wishing I had the courage to ask them to stop.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
Jo and I tried for a second baby, but it didn't happen. The doctors - silly idiots - didn't take the problem seriously and kept giving us contradictory advice: 'Drink more milk.' 'Don't drink any milk.'
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
Daddy had never wanted me to be an actress, so it was wonderful that he saw my success in 'The Jewel In the Crown.'
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
You have to take knocks as an actor, and my parents definitely gave me fight. I'm very driven, like my father, who was a very successful doctor.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
Band Of Gold' nearly did me in. We had 16 weeks of night shoots and I was never getting home to London and my husband Jo.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I would love to have had more children, but it's not a huge regret when the child I have is so completely fantastic.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
It was an extraordinary experience, filming in India.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
When my parents were going, 'Oh God, are you going to be an actress?' I decided I'd give it my best shot until I was 30, and as I hit 30 it all started taking off, just in the nick of time.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I had difficulties getting into telly, because people say that if you've been in the theatre you'll shout, but then I did telly and I didn't shout.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
As a woman, sadly, you go from the girl to the love interest to the wife to the mistress to the mother to the granny - and so the stereotype goes on.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I went to a terrifying boarding school and everyone was a brilliant singer or musician or artist, and I wasn't good at any of those things, so I became the school clown. Someone spotted me, cast me as the Artful Dodger in a play and that was it.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
It's fine to be an older man in my business, but not an older woman. I think of the 'Lord of the Rings' films, which had four or five leading men who were over 60 and the oldest woman was Cate Blanchett.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
My daughter always came first and I got used to my agent saying, when I turned down this or that project because of her, 'Oh yes, of course' rather glumly. It was all about priorities.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I enjoy fringe theatre because you get a real sense of collaboration with the audience which you often don't get in the West End where, on occasions, one has been made uncomfortably aware of people dozing off.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
It's funny the way things often work out for the best.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
As with Shakespeare, we keep revisiting Chekhov.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
For some reason in England, the word 'Chekhovian' is associated with drifting about with a parasol, a lot of weeping, and drinking tea from a samovar. But it's about real people - it's about family relationships and the way people want to be recognised for who they are.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
David Fincher is an actor's director.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I think I may have got the part in 'Dragon Tattoo' because of 'Little Britain.'
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I've become much fitter as I've got older, funnily enough.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
The good thing about buying things online is that you can send them back.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I've never played a police person before 'Black Work,' and certainly had never worn a uniform.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
To be asked to do something quite unusual keeps you going.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
If you're asked constantly to do something extremely dull, you don't have to commit any imaginative power.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
We can't all play Marie Antoinette all of the time.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
That's what I enjoy: the ensemble, being in a company, being part of something.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I knew nothing about India before 'Gandhi.' It seemed quite sort of frightening the place where hippies used to go in the '60s.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
In India, time is of a completely different nature. People there think 'So what?' about our compulsions. A cup of tea is only a cup of tea.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
My own sister has always been apparently more successful socially. I was much more the serious one. While she was out shopping for clothes, I was more inclined to be staying in, playing the piano.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I'm stopped more regularly about 'Utopia' than almost anything I've ever done. People will come up and say 'you were in 'Utopia,' why was there no more of it?' I have no idea. People loved that show. I loved that show. I adored doing that. I thought it was miraculous.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
Sometimes you do a job and you think, oh golly, that's enough isn't it?
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
Because British actors hold Shakespeare in such great reverence, we tend to go for the word, which tends to make things very intellectual.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
Us actresses, we all want to look like wonderful princesses and be sweet and lovely. And it's very difficult to walk out and risk 1,100 people hating you. But it's also infinitely more interesting.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I found out when I was very young that I could make people laugh. I think I was a dreadful showoff.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
Shakespeare writes such wonderful parts for women, parts that work so well today. I think he really liked women.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I try to only do jobs I don't know how to do.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
I don't like doing what I've already done. But there's a lot of different kinds of characters that I'd like to play. More comedy, more classical theatre, more European theatre, more movies. I'd love to play a character close to myself in a film... because then it's about revealing, rather than about putting on a character.
- Geraldine James
Image of Geraldine James
Very early on there were the girls who were good at singing, at the arts, or mathematics or languages, and I wasn't good at anything. I didn't shine.
- Geraldine James