George Armstrong Custer

Image of George Armstrong Custer
You ask me if I will not be glad when the last battle is fought, so far as the country is concerned I, of course, must wish for peace, and will be glad when the war is ended, but if I answer for myself alone, I must say that I shall regret to see the war end.
- George Armstrong Custer
Collection: Alone
Image of George Armstrong Custer
There are not enough Indians in the world to defeat the Seventh Cavalry.
- George Armstrong Custer
Image of George Armstrong Custer
I would be willing, yes glad, to see a battle every day during my life.
- George Armstrong Custer
Image of George Armstrong Custer
My purpose is to make my narrative as truthful as possible.
- George Armstrong Custer
Image of George Armstrong Custer
I appeal to you as a soldier to spare me the humiliation of seeing my regiment march to meet the enemy and I not share its dangers.
- George Armstrong Custer
Image of George Armstrong Custer
Benteen, come on, big village, be quick. Bring packs.
- George Armstrong Custer
Image of George Armstrong Custer
Where did all these damn Indians come from?
- George Armstrong Custer
Collection: Damn
Image of George Armstrong Custer
If I were an Indian...I would greatly prefer to cast my lot among those of my people who adhere to the free open plains, rather than submit to the confined limits of a reservation.
- George Armstrong Custer
Collection: People
Image of George Armstrong Custer
The Seventh can handle anything it meets.
- George Armstrong Custer
Collection: Handle
Image of George Armstrong Custer
There are far more statues of soldiers out there than there are of civilians.
- George Armstrong Custer
Collection: War
Image of George Armstrong Custer
Hurrah Boys! Let's get these last few reds then head on back to camp. Hurrah!
- George Armstrong Custer
Collection: Boys
Image of George Armstrong Custer
Previous to this time I had never even a balloon except from a distance. Being interested in their construction, I was about to institute a thorough examination of all its parts, when the aeronaut announced that all was ready. He inquired whether I desired to go up alone, or he should accompany me. My desire, if frankly expressed, would have been not to go up at all; but if I was to go, company was certainly desirable. With an attempt at indifference, I intimated that he might go along.
- George Armstrong Custer
Collection: Distance
Image of George Armstrong Custer
Wild Bill was a strange character, add to this figure a costume blending the immaculate neatness of the dandy with the extravagant taste and style of a frontiersman, you have Wild Bill, the most famous scout on the Plains.
- George Armstrong Custer
Collection: Character