Geert Wilders

Image of Geert Wilders
I believe we have been too tolerant of the intolerant. We should learn to become intolerant of the intolerant.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Mr. Trump is Mr. Trump. I'm Mr. Wilders. I'm not anybody's copy or whatsoever.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Citizens should never allow themselves to be silenced.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
My view on Islam is that it is not so much a religion as a totalitarian political ideology with religious elements.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Islam and freedom are not compatible.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
It is a travesty that I have to stand trial because I spoke about fewer Moroccans.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Don't let anybody fool you who says Islam can be moderated. It will not be moderated in a million years.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
We don't hate Muslims, but they have to integrate.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Prosecuting me as an elected politician for expressing the opinions of my constituents is absurd.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
It's not about left and right, it's about common people and their issues.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
I don't believe in political self-censorship.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Cultural relativism has made it so people don't know who they are anymore.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Europe is my home, Europe is my continent. Europe is where we live. The European Union is a political bureaucratic organization that took away our identity and our national sovereignty. So, I would get rid of the European Union and be a nation-state again.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
I want the fascist Qur'an banned.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
I have said what millions of people think and find. It is a travesty that I have to defend myself in court for this.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
I'm very afraid of being linked with the wrong, rightist, Fascist groups.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
I am not ashamed to say that our culture is far better than the Islamic culture, which is a culture of barbarism.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Festering political problems do not go away simply because they are kept in a dark corner.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
I hate consensus. I like confrontation.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Islam is the Trojan Horse in Europe.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
My intention is to show the real face of Islam. I see it as a threat.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
It's not that we have two different kinds of Islam. I acknowledge the fact that we have two kinds of people. There are moderate Muslims and non-moderate Muslims. But there is really only one Islam, and this is the Islam of the life of Muhammad, of the Quran, of the Hadiths, of the Sunnah.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
We should wake up and tell ourselves: You're not a xenophobe, you're not a racist, you're not a crazy guy if you say, 'My culture is better than yours.'
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
My main message is that I have a problem with the Islamicisation of our societies.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
While there are many moderate Muslims, Islam's political ideology is radical and has global ambitions.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
People are equal, cultures are not.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
If you speak the truth - and I believe people should speak the truth about Islam - you pay a very heavy price.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
I believe a real democracy can only flourish when you have your own nation state, your own identity, even your own flag you can rally around.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
The Netherlands has been too tolerant to intolerant people for too long.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Nexit is the best thing that can happen to us.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Dutch values are based on Christianity, on Judaism, on humanism.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
People hate me, or they love me. There's nothing in between. There is no gray area.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Unfortunately, there is a tendency among political elites to distrust the opinions of ordinary people. They are perceived to base their views on dark instincts and unjustified fears, rather than on rational choices. European voters, however, are highly educated, and it is ridiculous to suppose they can be easily fooled or manipulated.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
We in the Netherlands have the right to demonstrate and the right to speak up if we don't agree with something.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Mass immigration changes countries beyond recognition. Ordinary people are well aware of that.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
I believe that politicians have a public trust to further debates about important issues. I firmly believe that every public debate holds the prospect of enlightenment.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
I am not a consensus politician... This is something that is really very un-Dutch.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Excluding certain problems from the political debate by making it a crime to discuss them won't lead to the disappearance of these concerns, let alone contribute to a solution.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
We want to decide how we control our borders, our money, our economy, our currency.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
We must precisely do what the terrorists prevent us to do.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
The Dutch are still allowed to speak critically about Islam, and resistance against Islamization is not a crime.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Wake up, Christians of Tennessee. Islam is at your gate. Do not make the mistake which Europe made. Do not allow Islam to gain a foothold here.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Freedom is the source of human creativity and development.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
People and nations wither away without the freedom to question what is presented to them as the truth.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Stating my views on Islam has brought me to court on charges of 'group insult' and incitement to racial hatred. I am being tried for voicing opinions that I - and my constituents - consider to be the truth. I am being tried for challenging the views that the ruling establishment wants to impose on us as the truth.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
I make a clear distinction between the people and the ideology, between Muslims and Islam, recognizing that there are many moderate Muslims.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
We want the Netherlands to leave the E.U., join EFTA and, like Switzerland, negotiate bilateral trade agreements with the E.U. and the rest of the world.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
Democracy on a supranational level is simply impossible. In order to have democracy, there needs to be a nation.
- Geert Wilders
Image of Geert Wilders
The European Union cannot be compared to the United States. America is a nation, but Europe is not. Europe is a continent of many different nations with their own identities, traditions and languages. Robbing them of their national democracies does not create a European democracy - it destroys democracy in Europe.
- Geert Wilders