Gary Zukav

Image of Gary Zukav
We are evolving as one species - not only as Americans, Syrians, Russians, Chinese, and jihadists. We cannot attack one without inflicting forms of violence and destruction upon ourselves. This is our new reality.
- Gary Zukav
Image of Gary Zukav
Caretaking is different from care giving. Care giving has no second agendas or hidden motives. The care is given from love for the joy of giving without expectation, no strings attached. It cannot be manipulated or discouraged because love cannot be manipulated or discouraged.
- Gary Zukav
Image of Gary Zukav
Our experiences of the Solstice depends entirely upon where we are when it occurs. Neither Solstice encompasses everyone. Neither can. The Solstices stand forever opposed, literally at the two poles of our Earth and experiences.
- Gary Zukav
Image of Gary Zukav
When two people in an intimate-couple relationship look at their interactions as opportunities to learn about themselves instead of change each other, they are infusing their relationship with the energy of spiritual partnership.
- Gary Zukav
Image of Gary Zukav
Developing compassion for Congress and politicians is a good way to begin practicing the new social activism if you want to make effective changes in the world. Perhaps the most startling new insight of all is that there is no other way to effectively change the world.
- Gary Zukav
Image of Gary Zukav
When fear ceases to scare you, it cannot stay.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Gary Zukav
Soul is that part of you that longs for harmony and cooperation and sharing and reverence for life. When you make decisions that align you with those values, you align your personality with your soul. It's that simple to understand. Now to do it, in my experience, is hard.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Simple
Image of Gary Zukav
Changing the world begins with the very personal process of changing yourself, the only place you can begin is where you are, and the only time you can begin is always now.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Gary Zukav
When we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with the highest part of ourselves, we are filled with enthusiasm, purpose and meaning. Life is rich and full. We have no thoughts of bitterness. We have no memory of fear. We are joyously and intimately engaged with our world. This is the experience of authentic power
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Memories
Image of Gary Zukav
Humbleness, forgiveness, clarity and love are the dynamics of freedom. They are the foundations of authentic power.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: And Love
Image of Gary Zukav
There comes a time when the pain of continuing exceeds the pain of stopping. At that moment, a threshold is crossed. What seemed unthinkable becomes thinkable. Slowly, the realization emerges that the choice to continue what you have been doing is the choice to live in discomfort, and the choice to stop what you have been doing is the choice to breathe deeply and freely again. Once that realization has emerged, you can either honor it or ignore it, but you cannot forget it. What has become known can not become unknown again.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Gary Zukav
The amount of stress in your life is determined by how much energy you expend resisting your life.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Stress
Image of Gary Zukav
What is behind your eyes holds more power than what is in front of them.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Eye
Image of Gary Zukav
Knowledge is power, and for each level of knowledge, you are held responsible for how you use it.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Gary Zukav
Please... tell me who you are and what you want. And if you think those are simple questions, keep in mind that most people live their entire lives without arriving at an answer.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Life
Image of Gary Zukav
A joyous person abounds with energy and feels buoyant, because he or she is running a higher frequency current of energy through his or her system.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Running
Image of Gary Zukav
Your life is an opportunity to give the gifts that your soul wants to give.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Gary Zukav
You lose power to the people and circumstances you judge. They capture your attention in the same way that a movie does.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: People
Image of Gary Zukav
We need truth to grow in the same way that we need vitamins, affection and love.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: And Love
Image of Gary Zukav
To experience relationships of substance and depth requires approaching and entering into relationships with consciousness and concern for the other.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Depth
Image of Gary Zukav
Allow yourself to experience what it is to learn step by step the freedom that comes from being unattached to the outcome, but operating from an empowered heart.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Gary Zukav
Your experiences are not limited to what you have created in the past
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Past
Image of Gary Zukav
It is not until you have the courage to engage in human relationships that you grow.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Grows
Image of Gary Zukav
Eventually, you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Love
Image of Gary Zukav
When the deepest part of you becomes engaged in what you are are doing what you were meant to be doing.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Doing You
Image of Gary Zukav
When our actions create discord in another person, we, ourselves, in this lifetime or another, will feel that discord. Likewise, if our actions create harmony and empowerment in another, we also come to feel that harmony and empowerment.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Gary Zukav
The journey to wholeness requires that you look honestly, openly, and with courage into yourself, into the dynamics that lie behind what you feel, what you perceive, what you value, and how you act. It is a journey through your defenses and beyond, so that you can experience consciously the nature of your personality, face what it has produced in your life, and choose to change that. Words lead to deeds. They prepare the soul, make it ready, and move it to tenderness.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Courage
Image of Gary Zukav
When you ask the Universe to bless you in your effort to align yourself with your soul, you open a passageway between yourself and your guides and Teachers. That is what a blessing is: the opening of a passageway between you and nonphysical guidance.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Teacher
Image of Gary Zukav
I don’t have a definition of God, because I’ve never really understood that word. People have different understandings of it and it’s caused a great deal of conflict. If I had to say what would my definition of God be, if I were going to use that word, I would say that this universe has layers upon layers upon layers of compassion and wisdom beyond ours.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Compassion
Image of Gary Zukav
Subatomic particles do not just sit around being subatomic particles. They are beehives of activity.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Subatomic Particles
Image of Gary Zukav
Dreams as soul messages...each nightly communication brings the latest-breaking news available in special edition just for you!
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Dream
Image of Gary Zukav
The requirements for our evolution have changed. Survival is no longer sufficient. Our evolution now requires us to develop spiritually-to become emotionally aware and make responsible choices. It requires us to align ourselves with the values of the soul-harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for life.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Choices
Image of Gary Zukav
The purpose of our journey on this precious Earth is now to align our personalities with our souls and the souls of others. It is to create harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life. It is to grow spiritually. This is our new evolutionary pathway. The old pathway - pursuing the ability to manipulate and control - no longer works.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Journey
Image of Gary Zukav
As you become multi-sensory, you begin to see yourself as a soul first and a personality second. You begin to experience yourself as more than a body and more than a mind. and the circumstances around you as meaningful and designed for your spiritual growth.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Gary Zukav
Emotions reflect intentions. Therefore, awareness of emotions leads to awareness of intentions.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Emotion
Image of Gary Zukav
When you interact with another, an illusion is part of this dynamic. This illusion allows each soul to perceive what it needs to understands in order to heal.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Love
Image of Gary Zukav
Love does more than bring peace where there is conflict. It brings a different way of being in the world.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Love
Image of Gary Zukav
I cannot create authentic power in you. I can only create authentic power in myself. But, I cannot create it in myself without you.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Without You
Image of Gary Zukav
You have a sacred contract with the Universe, and no one can fulfill it except you.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Sacred
Image of Gary Zukav
A soul subject is something that resonates with you deeper than the intellect can reach...a multi-sensory perception...a recognition of a new freedom that is calling you.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Soul
Image of Gary Zukav
Every subatomic interaction consists of the annihilation of the original particles and the creation of new subatomic particles. The subatomic world is a continual dance of creation and annihilation, of mass changing into energy and energy changing into mass. Transient forms sparkle in and out of existence, creating a never-ending, forever newly created reality.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Reality
Image of Gary Zukav
When you choose not to forgive... it is you who are forced every day to look at life through contaminated lenses because you have chosen to keep them.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Generosity
Image of Gary Zukav
Anytime new insight replaces an old assumption or a fossilized perception is the spring. New understandings sprout, new tolerances appear, and new curiosity draws you to previously dark places. Just as the sun shines earlier and longer in the spring, changes that seemed impossible appear to be possible with each new insight into your own health.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Spring
Image of Gary Zukav
The only permanent and constructive changes you can make in the world are the changes that you make in yourself.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: World
Image of Gary Zukav
The Universe backs the part of you that is of clearest intention
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Intention
Image of Gary Zukav
There is no scientific way to validate anything that I or you can say about the soul because science cannot validate the existence of the soul any more that it can prove the existence of God.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Soul
Image of Gary Zukav
Evil needs to be understood for what it is: the dynamic of the absence of Light. It is not something that one should prepare to battle, to run from, or to outlaw.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Running
Image of Gary Zukav
If your addiction lingers, ask yourself if you really want to release it, because in your heart you do not.
- Gary Zukav
Collection: Heart