Gary Payton

Image of Gary Payton
This is what kids want to see. You see these Playstations, they scoring 50 and 60 with one player, that's what they want to see on TV and I don't go with that.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
Patrick Beverley is one of my favorites. What he does is he brings a lot of energy.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
My way is to talk to my opponent so he makes it a personal thing. He starts playing me one-on-one, and forgets about his team. Meanwhile, I'm still playing team ball and eating him up. Some guys tried talking back, but you can't get a talker when a talker's talking to you.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
As far as talking on the court was concerned, the whole family was behind me on that.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I was really scared when I went to Oregon State. I wasn't sure I could play at the college level.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I want to be the black Dick Vitale.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
To go into Key Area every day, sold out, it was hard to come in there and get a win against us. That's when we used to make people understand, you can't come in and get a win against us. We were probably one of the hardest arenas to win in. Our fans were crazy. They would camp out.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I would go after any rookie. Any rookie with a lot of hype. I used to do it to Jason Kidd. I would go at him. I'd be like, 'Young fella, you're going to get a rude awakening in the NBA.'
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
Every rookie that thought they was good, I went at them to make sure they knew I was the best point guard in the league, and they had to go through me. That's just the way I was.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
The thing that I regret is not having better relationships with a lot of people. Being the hard-nosed guy that I was, I think I could've come off a little bit better in my relationships with a lot of people, and I didn't.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
There's a lot of things that I appreciate that people can't appreciate.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I did a lot of things I regret.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
If Seattle could put my jersey on top of the Space Needle, they would.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
No one superstar can win a championship by himself. You've got to have help.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I can't think ok, I got 35 points, he got 35, I did something good.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
If he's averaging 25 points and I can contain him to 17, then I've won the battle. If he averages 12 assists and I kept him to seven, I'm winning the game.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
The point guards that I like are the ones that are playing like point guards.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
When I was talking a lot of trash, a lot of the guys knew that when I started getting serious was when I started getting a little bit quieter. If I started locking up somebody, then I'd start talking even more and I'd talk more aggressive. But once I stopped, they knew I was really serious.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
My father and my brother are chefs.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I own 60 retro jerseys. I've got everybody - the late Derrick Thomas, a lot of people.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
When you play defense what happens is everybody pays attention and they start talking about how you're the stopper, you can stop this guy. All of a sudden your game gets better on the offensive end and you become that versatile guard that everybody wants.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
Coaching is something I really would do. A lot of people don't think I'm serious about it. I like working with the kids. When you work with the guys one-on-one and get them to understand it's a little bit better. That's the way I was taught by Tim Grgurich. That's how he taught us.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I don't miss basketball because I've already got in my mind that I did what I had to do for 17 years. I think I'm satisfied with what I did.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I don't give a damn about MVP.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I'm not a practice player.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
Wilt Chamberlain, by far, is my best basketball player. Best athlete ever.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
LeBron is making a case for himself to be one of the greatest players to ever play.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I like Draymond Green's intensity... but every time I didn't get a call I didn't cry all the time.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
You've got to be on all-league teams before you can say that you are going to be a great basketball player.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
You don't have to like me, but I'm going to tell you the truth. If you don't like what I'm saying, then go out and prove it.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I know who can play and who can't play and I'm very straight-forward... If you can play, you can play; if you can't, you can't.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
To let somebody get 30 points on you, and you feel good because you got 35 on them, that's not good for me, you know what I'm saying? If I get 35, I want him to get 12 or 14 because that means I've done something. I've done my job. I went out there and played hard and did what I had to do.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
Larry Bird was a talker. He'd tell you something and you'd be like, are you kidding me? You're really telling me that?
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
You talk about rowdy - in Oakland the players were on you. The refs were on you. The stands were on you. You had to talk back or you were a sissy; you'd get run out of the league. Afterward? Yeah, it was kind of a, uh, struggle to get out of the gym. Cops had to be everywhere. Which was lucky.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I've loved my days at Oregon State.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I like comfortable clothes, so I get most of my pants and shirts made.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I'm not into the European-style clothes.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I'm always going to admire my father more than anybody in life.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I was really excited about going to Miami because of coach Riley. And getting with him has been a change for me and really good for me.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
Coming from Oakland, Calif., I never thought I'd be a Hall of Famer. I wasn't thinking about basketball like that.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
When I made it to the pros I wanted to be a guy who could stay in the league, be OK, do whatever I had to do to make some money and do what I do. As the years started coming, I started getting better.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
You don't just come in and say, 'Bam, I'm mature; I'm the leader.' It took time for me to grow into this and learn how to talk to certain players and how to handle certain situations.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
Part of being a leader means knowing who you can go after and who you should pat on the butt.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
The NBA tries to be about flash. But real fans recognize the guy who makes things happen.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
Because of how I am on the court, people think I'm wild and crazy. But really, I'm a kick-back guy, so Seattle suits me fine.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
Guys like Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Kevin Garnett, they'll take bad criticism in a good way.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
I hope they'll say I was one of the hardest-working basketball players on both ends of the floor.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
The trash-talking, I think I would like to take that back. I really didn't want to get known as that, but that was just the way I was, the way I grew up back in Oakland, Calif., back on the playgrounds.
- Gary Payton
Image of Gary Payton
It is much easier to be the hunter than the hunted. When you are the one not expected to do anything, you play better.
- Gary Payton
Collection: Play