Gareth Thomas

Image of Gareth Thomas
My sport was my comfort. The routine, the camaraderie, the team... everyone's around you. After rugby you're on your own.
- Gareth Thomas
Image of Gareth Thomas
Other sportsmen have confided in me that they're gay. The advice I give is that coming out is great for you as a person, but that you also have to remember you're a role model. As a sportsman you take the money and the glory, but you also take the responsibility that comes with it and make sure the stories that follow are positive.
- Gareth Thomas
Image of Gareth Thomas
My father always pretends to hate Christmas. But when we were children he was the first one waking us up, saying: 'Do you think Father Christmas has been yet?'
- Gareth Thomas
Image of Gareth Thomas
I was always driven by the idea that if people ever found out about who I was then the stature I created for myself within rugby would have to be as relevant as the fact I was gay. It was always the driving factor to be the strongest, the fastest, the most skilful.
- Gareth Thomas
Image of Gareth Thomas
I was born and raised to play rugby. I have two parents who are hugely proud of my rugby achievements, but even they say that maybe it was just a platform to give me a voice to do something better, and rugby wasn't what I was all about. Something else was.
- Gareth Thomas
Image of Gareth Thomas
I don't take any day for granted, I work hard, I'm motivated.
- Gareth Thomas
Image of Gareth Thomas
I'm a sportsman, as good and strong as you, who just happens to be gay.
- Gareth Thomas
Image of Gareth Thomas
I find it hard to believe that people can be jealous of other people's success.
- Gareth Thomas
Image of Gareth Thomas
I had a stroke in 2006. I thought: 'This is it.'
- Gareth Thomas
Image of Gareth Thomas
I was never ever attracted to any of my rugby mates; I was really good at switching off my emotions and I wouldn't have even considered crossing that line.
- Gareth Thomas