Freddie Gibbs

Image of Freddie Gibbs
I still bump 'Smells Like Teen Spirit.' I used to listen to it before all my football games.
- Freddie Gibbs
Collection: Teen
Image of Freddie Gibbs
It's in the American spirit to take advantage of an opportunity.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I'm trying to bring gangster rap back to the forefront, like in the early '90s.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I'm not trying to obey the rules of radio.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
My core thing is gangster rap, but a lot of my music is melodic and carries a message of survival.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
Jeezy just recognized my grind, and I jumped on board with him to enhance it. Artistically, we're in the same mind frame. We come from very similar backgrounds - poverty. That's something that we can both relate to, something that we can convey in our music.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
After I got dropped by Interscope, I knew in my heart that I had to fight back some way or not rap at all. I just took it upon myself to get myself where I needed to be.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
Sports is one of the keys to my life. It definitely kept me out of a lot of trouble and gave me a lot of discipline.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I've been engulfed in sports since I was a 2-year-old; I picked up any kind of ball - a basketball, baseball, football - I just loved to play something. I loved the energy of being in arenas and watching the game on TV.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
My father took me to a lot of sports events as a child, and our TV stayed on ESPN.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
Stuart Scott was a hero.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I'm from Gary, Indiana, and everybody's damn near at the poverty level. It's a rough city to grow up in, and it's a modern-day ghost town.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I just want to put my stamp on all kinds of music. Everything I do is going to be gangsta rap, street-based, street-oriented.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I'm cool with doing shows with 2,000 people. I don't have to rap in a stadium. As long as I can provide for my family and my art and live comfortably and live well, then I'm good.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I'd be a liar if I didn't say I learned things from Jeezy. Hell yeah, I took some things, some pluses and some minuses, do's and don'ts.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I'm like LeBron, man. I'm like a smaller LeBron. That's why I'm not in the NBA. If I had about five, six more inches, I'd be in the league.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I've been interested in basketball since I was a little kid - like, 3. The Bulls were my team. If you grew up in Gary, the Bulls were everybody's team.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I'm just glad we get to see old records being broken. That's what sports is all about.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I started hustling in early adolescence.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I never write a song before I get the track because I just feel that I have to make a marriage with that track with my raps. And if it's something that's already there, it ain't gone really fit, I don't think.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
Gary is a old factory town right outside Chicago. From my standpoint, my family migrated there in the '50s and '60s from Mississippi - Sardis, Mississippi - shout out to Sardis, Mississippi. My family migrated there just like a lot of black families in that area: they migrated there to get jobs, to get those factory jobs, that steel mill job.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
The things I rap about are 100 percent real. But at the same time, I don't rap about those things to tear my city down. I give you the reality of what it is and what I been through and how it is living in those conditions in Gary, Ind.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
Every project might only sell like 30 to 50,000, but I mean, I'm getting seven, eight dollars every CD. I make more money per record than an artist on a major label - I can definitely say that.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I'm so hands-on and involved in my own music that I feel like if I put the same effort into another artist, then I can definitely cultivate something great.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
If you say your product is the best, back that up.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I'd be quiet as a mouse if I didn't have the correct feeling about my music. I feel like I'm able to talk about it and say I'm one of the best because I think I got the music to back that up. I got the live show to back that up. That's all that matters.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
Everything don't work out for the best. You have to use a lot of those things as lessons in order to build yourself up.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I always want everything I do to be somewhat cinematic. I don't want to be the rapper that'll just post up and shoot a video anywhere with no real meaning to it.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I think that 'Pinata' album is going to stand the test of time. It's going to be a moment in hip-hop, whether people know it or not. It's nothing else like that in rap. It's going to forever hold its place.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I always feel like the underdog.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I can do a whole project with Madlib and turn around and do a record with Gucci Mane. Gucci Mane, E-40, and Black Thought on the same record. I like all those rappers, so why can't I work with them in some type of capacity? It just speaks to my versatility. I don't just listen to one type of rap. I listen to all of it so I can make all of it.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I feel like some artists need a record label, and some don't.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
Gary is a really impoverished town; it's in industrial decay. There's low employment and things of that nature.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I don't ever really plan my sets. I just get out there and feel the energy of the crowd.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I wanted to be in the NBA. I wanted to be in the NFL.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I grew up on N.W.A., Geto Boys. My dad was listening to that.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
My mom had me at a young age, like 20, and she was the oldest child. All her brothers were seven and 10, so I was like a younger brother more so than the oldest child. I was the younger brother to all my uncles, so they were going through their childhood and their teenage years, and I was right there.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I wanted to be a gangsta from birth, not because of the music but moreso what I was seeing, what my uncles were doing. I was just fascinated with the street lifestyle from a young age.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I'm an educated individual.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
Different rappers got different talents. It's like X-Men.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I want to be one of the most versatile rappers in the game.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
When everybody goes left, I'm gonna go right most of the time.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
Just give me a mic, and I'll rock it.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I'm not trying to act like I'm Superman or better than anybody else in the game. I'm just telling my story, showing my strengths and weaknesses - as a human, as a person, as a man.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
Lil Wayne makes good music. He's one of the best rappers.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I played wide receiver in high school; then I went to college at Ball State and played safety.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I don't like rap that doesn't have a story behind it.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I ain't on no major. Everything independent. Either way it goes, I am doing me, and I am doing Freddie Gibbs.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
The Bears need to let me be GM.
- Freddie Gibbs
Image of Freddie Gibbs
I study my competition for at least an hour a day. I get on the Internet, I look at what they doing, and then I look at ways to defeat them. I know their mixtapes track-by-track. I know some of their lyrics.
- Freddie Gibbs