Fawad Khan

Image of Fawad Khan
I think I lost too much weight during 'Khubsoorat.'
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I am an immature person, and I am very lazy, too.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
If one wants to take a stand on something, one must be very educated about it.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
If I'm going to talk about something, I need to be educated about it, and I need to have seen all the perspectives.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I feel - and this goes back to social media and freedom of speech - when you're on a public platform, and you put something out there in front of people who don't know you, they might just perceive it in a very different way altogether.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I've been penniless. I've had to struggle a bit. But now I enjoy thinking about that because it just makes me feel better about my achievements.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I do give interviews, but I am generally media-shy because I am an introvert by nature.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
Almost every story has a romantic angle to it.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I may have played romantic roles, but each character has been different, with his own personality.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I have developed my own brand of acting, and fortunately, people like it.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
Everyone has different interests, but instead of constructive learning, people generally tend to lean towards the negative... and I think social media has somehow given fuel to this kind of thinking.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
Whatever appreciation I've got despite the limited work I have done has been great. People have been receptive, and I think it's a privilege to have earned this respect.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I have been in love with my wife since I was 17. She has always been my strongest support. Even when I didn't have this fame, she was there.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
The time I'm truly happy is when I'm playing with my son. We just mentally connect. There's nothing more fulfilling than playtime with him.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
Being trendy is alright, but clubbing all the trends in one look is a complete no.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
Remember, the fit of your outfit can make or break your look. Ensure the fit is perfect, and you will be just fine.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
A lot of men tend to mix a couple of fragrances and smell like a flower garden. Avoid!
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
Fans are half of an artiste... without someone to appreciate him, an artiste is nothing.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
As a musician, I have sung, composed, and played instruments, and a lesser-known fact is that I have composed 20-30 ad jingles as well.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
One must be prepared for some surprises in life - some things will work out your way, some won't. You just have to keep working and do things to the best of your ability.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I proudly represent Pakistan in India, and I hope that many more actors from there come and work here.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
It's a great feeling to be admired... what can I say? It's a warm, gooey feeling.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I am the kind of person who likes taking one step at a time and raising the bar with each film.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I always consider myself as good as my last film. I tend to analyse my work very critically.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
Growing up, I loved films like 'A Streetcar Named Desire' and 'On the Waterfront' and became a huge fan of Marlon Brando.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I'm an improvisational actor. I like to do my own thing. But once in a while, I think you should have the self-restraint to let someone else dictate the story.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I'm a quiet person. It's only when I am cued to talk that I talk. Otherwise, I'm reserved and a bit of a recluse.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I think I've managed to Forrest Gump my way though life.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I self-taught myself music at 19-20.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I don't think a multi-starrer or a solo film has anything to do with your choice of films. That is a bit of a primitive concept, really. Yes, you might want to keep a healthy balance, but that has more to do with the kind of roles you are playing.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
The film's content is the king.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I choose films preferably based on content, and then I see the kind of team I have to work with.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I was part of a metal and rock band, and I performed in front of 3000 to 4000 people for many years. I was the loudest mouth up there on stage. We would be screaming, head-banging and mass venting. We would all vent our feelings together, which is ideal as compared to participating in political and social forums, and I never felt any restrictions.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus Type 1.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I want to play around with my looks. It's very boring to appear the same in all your films. Then people are looking not at the character but at the actor.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
The motto of my life is, 'The best advice is no advice at all.'
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I think there comes a time when you start dropping expectations. Because the world doesn't owe you anything, and you don't owe the world anything in return. Things, feelings, are a very simple transaction. If you get it, be grateful. If you don't, be alright with it.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I'd rather speak less because I don't consider myself a very intelligent person.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
If I get into something, I get into it for the pure joy of it.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I've been watching the 'Richard Pryor Show' for NBC made during the '70s. I'm a big fan of his work.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
My kids are the light of my life.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I am the worst strategist ever.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I am always scared when I start something new. That hasn't changed.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
From the time I've landed in India and wherever I've travelled, I've only experienced politeness and courtesy. There has been no hatred whatsoever. But I strongly feel every country has its formalities and rules that one has to abide by. I believe in respecting that, as it is in the best interests of everyone.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
When I started doing television, I had no idea that people were watching it. But then things opened up for television in such a way that it's no more 'small' screen, as it is called.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
Television is a big platform for actors, and so many actors have made it to films from there. And for me, too, it has been a great transition from the small screen to the big screen.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
Whenever you move to a new atmosphere, the first few days are difficult. But I always felt that an actor needs to move out of his comfort zone and experience different working environments. And that's why I was looking at moving out of my own comfort zones and work with different kinds of people. It helps you grow as an actor.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
If there is place for music that I do in Bollywood, then I would surely like to sing a song in a Hindi film.
- Fawad Khan
Image of Fawad Khan
I stumbled into acting because a friend persuaded me to leave my 9 to 5 job and get into acting.
- Fawad Khan