Farhan Akhtar

Image of Farhan Akhtar
If someone has behaved badly with a woman. and she hasn't spoken about it for ten, 20, or 30 years, it's her prerogative when she wants to speak.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
If I don't work out, I lose weight instead of gaining it.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I like to stay within the zone of one character. It would disturb me to break away and go into an entirely different territory.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
If you were to put me under one umbrella, call me a storyteller.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I feel with 'Don 2' I got an opportunity to do a very good action with the kind of pace that I would like an action film to have.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
The first time I re-discovered the joy of watching an action movie was when I saw 'Die Hard.' It was a completely simple plot - a guy goes to meet his wife, and the building gets taken over by terrorists - but I was completely blown away. Great characters, and it moved along really fast.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
To me 'Qurbani' was a good action film - it was fast, had one plot, and moved along at a pace, and it didn't really divert attention.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
To me, action has to come from the plot.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
Whether it is crimes against women, whether it's discrimination against women, whether it's just social bias against women - these things should be anomalies; they should not be the norm.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I usually play volleyball three times a week.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I think it is important to play a sport. Apart from the joy of it, it helps keep you fit.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
'Haqeeqat' was a good war drama.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
The Ladakhis, as a people, are quite laidback.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
With 'Dil Chahta Hai' being the first film and 'Lakshya' being the second, what people can expect from Excel Entertainment as a company, and from me as a director, is just good, clean entertainment. And hopefully, some residue of an idea or thought that you can take home and mull over.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I have been a fan of movies from a very young age, and somehow, the magic of that - every single time I hear something or read something that could be made into a wonderful film or something somebody is asking me to be a part of - that connects. It just makes me feel like I'm going to be part of something magical again.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I think if I had a choice, I'd like to be in a film with De Niro.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
After 'Rock On!,' when I started acting, and I sang in the film, people asked me, 'What was the need to sing in your film?' and things like that. I really don't have an answer for it. In terms of what made me do it? It just felt like the right thing to do.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I was very focused when I wanted to make 'Dil Chahta Hai,' though it was difficult for me to convince people that I know how to make films and I will be able to direct and put a film together.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
The more time you have, you should dedicate it to do creative work.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
It was interesting to write ad films and scripts for TV shows before I moved on to writing a feature film. That helped me grow as a writer, and I also found out how long I could sit in front of a computer and see something through.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
It amazes me how much noise there is on a set while people are trying to focus and do their jobs. But there's some kind of order within that chaos.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
When I watched Guru Dutt's films, they just blew my mind.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I realised that I enjoyed direction while making 'DCH.' The process of putting a film together and working with the cast and crew felt good.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
Film festivals are important, as they often provide an opportunity to look at a film from a fresh perspective.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
Whatever films I make, the mandate is that it should touch the audiences and engage them from the first scene.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
Even when I was writing the script for 'Don,' I suspected it could lead to a sequel.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I cannot imagine of making a film without Boman Irani.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I'm a bit of an extremist.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I wish I'd got my driving license at 18, not 22. I also wish I had graduated earlier, even though I didn't finish college.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
Every movie gets exactly what it deserves.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I think if you believe in an idea, then you should put it out there and be as original to the thought as possible without worrying about the risk.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I think, the world over, new ideas have come from young people. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it is rare that new or radical ideas come from old people.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I think all kids are rebellious. It's a part of growing up.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I used to lie a lot as a child, which I now regret. I think it is much easier just to tell the truth.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
Definitely, I feel that there is a need for more female producers, directors, and writers.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
As much as a man would like to believe that he understands women, there is simply that much that he can write from their point of view or really understand them.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
There is a certain highlighting of issues, be it emotional, be it social, or simply an entertainment one: they can be written or directed by a woman differently, with a different voice. I feel that their voice needs to be given more stage and more space.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
For 'Rock On,' we not only acted as rock musicians; we also went into the studio to record songs and jammed live to get the concert feel right.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
It's very important to enjoy whatever you do in life.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
Music was something I had put aside to make movies. Somehow I earlier felt there was only so much creative energy allotted to your life and only that much time to pursue your creativity. But I was wrong.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
For me, to consciously seek unpredictable roles would be dangerous.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
Every time you work with a new co-star, a whole new dynamic emerges.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
To me, 'Bhaag Milkha Bhaag' is definitely a landmark. It has taught me so much.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
'BMB' has opened up a world of possibilities. It has inspired me to believe that the really difficult things in life can be achieved by sheer application.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
As an actor, you buy into someone else's dream and make it your own, and you don't lose sight of that.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I basically like a bit more control. Even in my personal life, I need things to be done on time. If it's not done, I get impatient.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
Difficulty does not deter me. In fact, I find challenges exciting.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I was a complete vagabond till the age of 20, when I got my first job as an assistant director with Pankaj Parashar.
- Farhan Akhtar
Image of Farhan Akhtar
I feel nervous before performing in live concerts, but it does not last more than five minutes.
- Farhan Akhtar