Fab Moretti

Image of Fab Moretti
In music you don't punch out at the end of the day.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
I have no discretion when it comes to airing things.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
I'm very grateful for being in this band, but there are only five people who know what it's like to be in the Strokes. I'm part of 'them,' but I can see people trying to separate me out from the band's reputation.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
We're geeks that wear the clothes we've been wearing for the past five to ten years.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
We have no intention of being the fashion kings they're trying to make us out to be.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
For the record, we are very fun-loving guys.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
Two people, no matter how close, cannot be one person, ever.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
Nah, I don't play golf.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
Actually, we've never invested much attention in press.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
We just wanted to make a really good second album.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
We could be playing a 10-person room or a 1500-person room, and if the crowd is reacting well, it doesn't matter what size it is. You still feel the buzz, you dig?
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
The 'Room On Fire' tour was us parodying ourselves. It was almost comical when I look back at it. We were really living off the fruits of our hard work and self-destructing.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
I had this relationship with the Mona Lisa painting and I thought it was important to look further. In a time that was very masculine, Leonardo da Vinci took a feminist approach.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
When I was younger I had my problems, and one of the hardest things I had to come to terms with was that I had to believe in something that contradicted what I was doing. I had to genuflect... I had to confess what I thought were sins, but not really sins, but what some people thought were sins.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
I love the Australian fans.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
It's a difficult thing to stamp your songs with a label, to stamp your record with a theme. Often times that compromises what you're doing.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
Our music was, like, Doors-y, but trying to be classical. We all took music classes and tried writing songs, and when we put them together they were this crazy amalgam of insane ideas that we thought was really cool.
- Fab Moretti
Image of Fab Moretti
We would play in this little room in my houseand my parents would bang on the walls: 'Stop playing so loud!'
- Fab Moretti