Erin O'Toole

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Enhancing our NORAD relationship will remind the Americans that both our economic and security interests are integrated in such a way that you could not possibly view them as apart.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
We have to put Canadian working families first. I'm going to do that, from trade to our own domestic economic response post-COVID.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
We have to be eyes-wide-open with China. If I'm prime minister, we will have a serious, mature approach with China that I think shows our concerns with them on the global stage.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
The Conservatives will have a serious plan that is not a tax on families and businesses, that will get our emissions down by partnering, by being strategic and and taking it seriously, but not through just a tax mechanism.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
My biggest strength is I'm not a career politician.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I stand up for all rights.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
There's a number of other things where people can advocate for their positions, from a faith point of view on right to life and a whole range of things, that don't involve removing the rights of another Canadian.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I fight for people that wear a uniform.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I'm always going to say, 'I think there is racism' and I want to stamp it out.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
Somebody should be able to come to Canada tomorrow and have success. If there's any barriers, if there's any racism, we're going to send a real message that there's zero tolerance.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I have fought back against voices out there that want to curtail immigration, because immigration is critical to our success.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I have more experience in the green economy than anyone in that Liberal caucus. I care about it. But we don't put all of our chips in it. With the Trudeau government, it is all about rhetoric and ideology and not about a practical approach.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
We need to reach out to more Canadians to show them that they could see themselves reflected in our party.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
We always knew that name-recognition wise, that was really my one weakness.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I like to say I bring the perspective of a kid from Bowmanville... but I understand military service and uniformed service.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I'm known on the Hill for having respect, I think, on all sides of the House of Commons because I don't buy into treating people poorly.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
When I was in the military, my dad ran in the Mike Harris 1995 Common Sense Revolution election, and that's where I really made the decision that one day I would love to run for office.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I saw the role my dad had in the community, helping people. At Christmas, people would come by with cards thanking him for helping with something for the business or their farm. And I just saw the impact.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
We have to be able to show Canadians that our strength on the economy doesn't mean we ignore all other issues.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
If Canadians want to know what the Conservatives' ideas are or plans are on the environment, on Indigenous reconciliation, on any issue that Canadians are looking for some leadership, we have to have a plan and an approach. We can't just run on the economy.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I believe that Conservatives do best when we focus on strong ideas for our future and when we leverage the strength of grassroots across the country.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
As leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, I commit to work with all Conservatives to live up to the promise of our great country.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I've got cabinet experience, military experience, and private sector experience.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I am proud our government has passed a law that ensures priority hiring of Veterans, as I advocated for this, and spoke about it in the House of Commons.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
For many years I have talked about building a Hire a Veteran culture in Canada in order that both public and private sector employers understand and value military training and experience in their hiring programs. For me, this work began long before I became a Member of Parliament.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
Veterans need employment opportunities and the development of a Hire a Veteran culture in Canada.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
As I have said several times, Veterans are not a monolithic group that has the same needs and desires. They want to be fulfilled, support their family and have options after their years in uniform. A job in government should not be the only option.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I don't think anyone who's had a casual observation of the Trump administration will suggest that their priority is going to be environment, Indigenous and other things like that.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
At times we will have mutual interests with Mexico, but at times we will not.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
It's very important to respect the conversation between a priest and the members of their flock.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
Do we go back and be the mushy middle party? Or do we have conservative, principled ideas for all the issues of the day, from the economy, from foreign policy, defence, security, that's the choice.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I've been standing up against what I call the 'virtue signalling' from Justin Trudeau which actually ignores the real challenges of the day and offers symbolic gestures as a substitute.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
My province needs to understand that Alberta's issues are national issues.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I'm known as a small-c conservative.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I'm a principle liberty, rule-of-law Conservative.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I think we need ideas for the future.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I do not think that abortion services should be part of our foreign aid funding in any way.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I want to create an informed and respectful dialogue about the opportunities and challenges facing our veterans.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
Even when there's disagreements politically or among veterans or among advocacy organizations, let's agree to do that respectfully and show care and compassion to those who have served us.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I want Albertans to know they will have a champion in Erin O'Toole.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
I respect teachers and professors.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
You can't build a strong future for millennials or young people just based on social media. If so, they'd be all secure with Mr. Trudeau, who is very good at social media.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
The history books will remember the Chinese doctors who sounded the alarm about COVID-19.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
By the 1970s, Western sanctions had hollowed out the Soviet economy. Ultimately, however, what brought down the Soviets was their inability to repair the catastrophic damage that began with the meeting of Igor Gouzenko and the RCMP.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
China wants Western countries to be timid. Its strategic foreign policy has been to make any criticism of the Communist Party of China seem unreasonable or even Sinophobic.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
China's propaganda approach with the West is different than the one used by the Soviet Union, which used Western belligerence to maintain its control over its domestic audience. China's strategy is one of influence and inertia.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
The federal government needs to make it clear that recognition of Indigenous rights means that when Indigenous bands and their leadership approve projects, we listen.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
An O'Toole government will pass a Freedom of Movement Act that will make it a criminal offence to block a railway, airport, port, or major road, or to block the entrance to a business or household in a way that prevents people from lawfully entering or leaving.
- Erin O'Toole
Image of Erin O'Toole
Canada has, entrenched in our Constitution, a world-leading recognition of Indigenous rights.
- Erin O'Toole