Erika Jayne

Image of Erika Jayne
I've become rather desensitized to how much sexy I put out.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I lived Tom Girardi's legal life with him first 10 years of our relationship. I went to every legal organization, every event - all of those groups he belonged to and those speeches he gave.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I think that's what makes marriage work - when you allow each other to be strong in their chosen profession; when you support each other and love each other.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I don't enjoy fighting with people. I don't enjoy having conflict.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I grew up with gay family members, and I went to a performing arts high school. So I grew up in children's theater, musical theater, and all of my life has been around the LGBT community.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
Sometimes people expect you to be something that you're not or want you to be something that is out of your philosophy, yet they claim they are a fan. Like, 'I'm really your fan, but you should get a nose job!' That's not really a fan.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, and I honestly started performing for my family when I was around three. I would jump up on the coffee table and I would get in the closet and ask that they introduce me to come out, and from that point on, my mother stuck me in dance class and children's theater.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I have a great family, and I have a great home, husband, and son. So I think that's probably all anyone ever needs anyway. Everything else is the icing on top of the cake to be quite honest.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I think that I've enjoyed my time on 'Real Housewives.' It's been a great opportunity, and I've had a lot of fun and have been able to see a lot of great things and meet some really cool people.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
The most surprising thing I discovered was how rich of a life I've led. It's easy to forget all the things we experience throughout our human journey.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
Both my husband and I come from very modest backgrounds. He's obviously done very well, and I've worked hard all my life and done well, too.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I made dance records and the gay community gravitated toward them. They gave me a place to really shine, a place to develop, and a place to spread my wings - I'll forever be grateful for that.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I grew up a Madonna fan, still am a Madonna fan, and will die a Madonna fan.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
'Chicago' has got such great women characters. It runs off two women, so what could be better than that?
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
Craft and art and discipline in what you do will make you happy.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
Before I was cast on 'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,' I had secretly quit Erika Jayne altogether.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I had everything that you want. Every material object. Everything. But inside my core I still wasn't satisfied.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
Listen, I'm rebellious. Okay? I always have been.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
Who knows what happens with 'Housewives?' I will say this, what a great opportunity to have been on the show, and the doors that it's opened for me, and I have nothing but great things to say about the show.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
Not everybody wants to be on TV, believe it or not.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I've known my son was going to be in law enforcement from the time he could walk and talk. That's all he's ever wanted and that's kind of your role as parent is to honor who your children really are.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
All artists, no matter who they are, have always come into contact with criticism. No one's gonna like what you do 100 percent of the time.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
There are two different sides of my personality, much like everyone has two different sides of their personality. I mean, it's a profession... It's something that I do. And I'm not Erika Jayne 24 hours a day.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
When I do my makeup, it doesn't look professional.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
If I'm not working I'm not wearing makeup. The skin needs to breathe.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
You have to treat your skin very tenderly. You can't be aggressive with your skin.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
My mother was a makeup artist for Estee Lauder and she taught me.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I like to fish. I love to stay outdoors.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I'm very firm in my beliefs.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I'm never going to be a gourmet cook.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
Nobody's ever going to marry me for my cooking skills.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I don't know him. I didn't grow up with my father. We don't speak.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
The first time I met my father was when I was 25. I was visiting here in Los Angeles, I had not moved here yet. And he came down to meet me. It wasn't emotional, it was like meeting a stranger.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
It's all too easy to say, 'You didn't have a dad, therefore, you married an older man.' Listen, I didn't marry my dad. My dad is much younger than my husband.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
There was this moment in my father's house where he said, 'My wife, she never had any kids and I never had any kids.' Yeah... He had never acknowledged my existence.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
There is a certain amount of conflict that comes with being a 'Housewife.' It is not a comfortable position. If you are comfortable, you aren't doing your job.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
My mother was very hard on me when I was a child. I think she was raising me how the world was treating her.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I don't have a makeup bag, I have a makeup artist!
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
You have to have Aquaphor, because you don't want a crusty, dry mouth, and this, in my opinion, is the best. It wears well, it's a great base for any type of lip gloss, lipstick, anything like that.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I like a neckline to be either high or low; the middle just doesn't work for me.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
If I'm on the plane, I insist on being comfortable. I don't believe in getting dressed up to fly. There's no reason for that, especially when it's 16 hours to fly internationally.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I lived in New York from 1989 to 1996, and I feel like I just got used to carrying everything around.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
If you have long hair that gets styled all the time, or if you're dancing and working out, dry shampoo is essential because you don't want to wash your hair every day.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
If you want to look good it's hair, it's makeup, it's wardrobe, and then those people that help facilitate that. They're not cheap.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
As an artist you always want to evolve and you always want to grow.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I'm very afraid of the dark. I even have a night light.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I like to slip out in the middle of the night and take my Lamborghini and drive it really fast on the highway.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
I don't think my father wanted to be a dad.
- Erika Jayne
Image of Erika Jayne
When I moved to California, I always knew that my son would eventually come out and live with me.
- Erika Jayne