Eric Swalwell

Image of Eric Swalwell
I love country music. Like, I really, really, really love country music.
- Eric Swalwell
Image of Eric Swalwell
Being the first in my family to go to college, I believe, is my greatest accomplishment. It's not my accomplishment; it's my family's accomplishment.
- Eric Swalwell
Image of Eric Swalwell
I want us to be a country of free ideas, free markets, and a freedom to dream.
- Eric Swalwell
Image of Eric Swalwell
The NRA - they are a paper tiger.
- Eric Swalwell
Image of Eric Swalwell
As the country gets to know me more, they will see the reason I care so much about Russia is I understand why they thought to help Donald Trump.
- Eric Swalwell
Image of Eric Swalwell
I've seen that most of us want the same things: to be safe where we live, secure in our finances, and free in our lives.
- Eric Swalwell
Image of Eric Swalwell
I was raised to believe nobody is above the law - especially not a president.
- Eric Swalwell
Image of Eric Swalwell
My dad was a cop.
- Eric Swalwell
Image of Eric Swalwell
I've worked since taking a newspaper route at age 9 and served as a prosecutor, a planning commissioner, a city councilman, and a congressman to pay back some of what my community and nation gave me.
- Eric Swalwell
Image of Eric Swalwell
America needs a president who knows how we live and work, who delivers on promises to those who need help, who won't use fear and hate as a political cudgel, and who works to solve our biggest problems instead of nibbling around the edges - a president who will go big, be bold, and do good, and stirs all Americans to do likewise.
- Eric Swalwell
Image of Eric Swalwell
The rule of law, and the idea that it applies to everyone regardless of what office that person might hold, is the chief ingredient in our democracy.
- Eric Swalwell
Image of Eric Swalwell
The first half of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report, even in redacted form, leaves no room for debate: This president and his campaign eagerly exploited help from Russian agents, despite being aware that Russia was sabotaging our election.
- Eric Swalwell