Eric Adams

Image of Eric Adams
My plant-based diet is the No. 1 reason that my diabetes was put into remission.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
If you committed a serious crime, you should not be allowed to own a gun.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
I'm up at 5 A.M. every morning, meditating, exercising, drinking my smoothie, then giving 12 hours for my city.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
Partnership is a necessity if we are to reach our goals.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
We're not going to attract new businesses if we don't have safe subway systems where everyday employees are able to get to their work in a safe manner.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
I don't want anybody holding doors for me. I don't want anyone to hold my umbrella.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
Computer science teaches and nurtures the type of thinking that 21st century citizens will need to address 21st century issues. We cannot know with any certainty what those challenges will be, but we can arm our students with the tools needed to address them.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
America is saying, we want to have justice and safety and end inequalities. And we don't want fancy candidates.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
The question was never whether stop, question and frisk should be allowed; it was how it should be done. Those who claimed it should be outlawed entirely reduced a nuanced issue to an either-or argument, and unwisely answered it with a blanket ban.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
If you don't educate, you will incarcerate.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
We have to root out the weeds of hate and ensure it doesn't choke away the healthy flowers of diversity in our borough, city, and state.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
I was progressive before the term progressive actually existed.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
I was beaten by police and sat in their precinct holding cell, certain that my future was already decided. And now I will be the person in charge of that precinct, and every other precinct, because I'm going to be the mayor of the City of New York.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
Our neighbors who have fallen on hard times can use basic sanitary items, such as soap, socks and undergarments; when we go shopping for ourselves, how about adding an extra item for someone in need?
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
I think we need to be humane to all living beings and that includes our animals.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
I had nerve damage. It was going to lead to amputation. I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
Used it, used it often, great tool. We should never have removed stop-and-frisk.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
Police have two rights that even the president does not have, the right to take liberty and to take life. Those are dear to America. And we must ensure that the highest level of scrutiny and standard goes to anyone who is given that right.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
I lost sight in my left eye.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
We can save more lives with plant-based diet if people would only realize they are enslaved to fats, oil, sugar and things that are killing their body.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
All across the country, the DSA socialists are mobilizing to stop Eric Adams. They realize if I'm successful, we're going to start the process of regaining control of our cities.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
I want to empower people. I want people to know that they can take their health in their own hands.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
Meal prep is so important and I do it once a week.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
Police officers must follow the rules to be able to question if there's reasonable suspicion that someone is carrying that firearm.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
We were stopping and frisking people based on their ethnicities and based on the communities they were in. That will never happen under my administration.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
We need to empower parents with the skills so that they can stay up to date on how to protect their families.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
We have equated a cancer diagnosis to 'death,' but we look at diabetes as 'something that you get when you get older.' But look at diabetes - it's the leading cause of limb amputation, heart disease, kidney failure. Many people don't equate diabetes with these other destructive things. I didn't equate it to those until I started reading about it.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
Having a serious ailment or serious disease, it hijacks your life. You're thinking about the next result, the next test.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
My goal is really to use my position as the borough president and any higher-profile position to empower people, to let us all know how we can control our health.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
It doesn't matter if you are in Borough Park in the Hasidic community, if you're in Flatbush in the Korean community, if you're in Sunset Park in the Chinese community, if you're in Rockaway, if you're out in Queens, in the Dominican community, Washington Heights - all of you have the power to fuel us.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
My mother cleaned houses. I washed dishes.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
Men ignore symptoms all the time. I think we're hardwired just to suck it up. After being an athlete as a child, you play with pain, all of those little statements that coaches would say. And I internalized that.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
We must zero in on gun violence in our city.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
I'm not going to allow inmates and officers to be the victims of violent people.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
We didn't know we were poor because that's how everyone around us lived.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
One day mom sat down and says, 'I'm moving my children to Queens. There was this quiet in the room and then everyone burst out laughing. Moving to Queens for us was like moving to Mars. It was like breaking out of poverty, the ultimate in luxury.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
I went from a D student to the dean's list.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
There's absolutely no reason why we should continue poisoning our children's health with processed foods.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
If you don't start targeting what's feeding crime then we are going to throw good money into a bad scenario.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
Let's decide that we must live in a safe city where we educate our children and make sure everyone has an opportunity to prosper in this great city.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
As our city and country begin the long, rocky road of recovery from COVID, we still must avoid the pitfalls of another deadly public health crisis: gun violence.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
Crime takes root when household budgets are unable to address the conditions that can lead to despair and violence, and government services and policies do not adequately address underemployment, poor mental health care and learning disabilities that hold young people back.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
New York City in particular is the economic engine of not just our state, but arguably the nation. If that engine stalls, this entire country could get dragged into the same downward spiral.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
We know the costs of failure. There is now no excuse for government - at any level - not to invest in a safer, fairer future for our cities.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
I don't want anyone deifying me.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
You may have heard me say that I am going to create a safe, fair, affordable city for all New Yorkers. But you have probably heard other candidates say that before. What I want you to know is that those will be my priorities because those issues aren't political to me; they're personal.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
I was one of six children raised by a single mom who cleaned houses, not always knowing if we would come home to an eviction notice on the front door or food on the table. So I also understand the struggles of paying the rent, finding affordable child care, and having enough in the bank to make it to the end of the week.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
Because of my struggles and my work, I have the unique ability to be a bridge between the NYPD and our communities, restoring confidence and accountability in policing that is essential to our recovery.
- Eric Adams
Image of Eric Adams
During the debates for mayor, I was continually pressed on my position on the policing procedure known as 'stop and frisk' - which is actually in law enforcement known as 'stop, question and frisk' - and why I believed that, if used properly, it could reduce crime without infringing on personal liberties and human rights.
- Eric Adams