Elvis Mitchell

Image of Elvis Mitchell
Given the knee-jerk patriotism of recent war movies, it's discouraging to see 'Windtalkers' evade pertinent facts that could have recast the doubled-edged issues of racism and loyalty and made them relevant to contemporary times.
- Elvis Mitchell
Collection: Patriotism
Image of Elvis Mitchell
Miramax seems to be showing the same faith in Roberto Benigni's 'Pinocchio' that the Republican Party showed in Trent Lott; the live-action version of Carlo Collodi's fairy tale about the wooden puppet whose only ambition was to be a real live boy was sneaked into theaters Christmas Day.
- Elvis Mitchell
Collection: Christmas
Image of Elvis Mitchell
The mission of '8 Mile' is essentially to garner sympathy for a white rapper involved in an old-school shootout - a rap contest. This may be the final frontier for pop, more unbelievable than the prospect of launching a member of 'N Sync into orbit.
- Elvis Mitchell
Collection: Sympathy
Image of Elvis Mitchell
It's true that a smile can take years off a person - not that such a thing matters in Yoko Ono's case.
- Elvis Mitchell
Collection: Smile
Image of Elvis Mitchell
With his compulsively slamming lyrics and king-of-the-world delivery, DMX intuitively echoes the existentialism of the projects of the novelist Donald Goines.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
'Never Die Alone' is primarily a riveting genre film that neatly exhibits the director's growing assurance - Donald Goines would be proud.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
You can't ignore the Asian and Hispanic populations in L.A. We can let audiences know independent film is not just about white men.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
I thought that, as a black audience member, I would like to see something that reflected an experience that's not normally exhibited in documentaries, or is so much about black people as victims in this country, and black people not taking control of their own lives and their own destinies.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
We want to see ourselves - but differently. We want to see these dream versions of ourselves. We want to be surprised; we want to be entertained. I think primarily, especially in this country, we ask that movies entertain us, which seems to be something they're less and less likely to do on a continual basis.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
It's so funny: whenever there's a new technology introduced, there's always this fear it's going to end entertainment as we know it. When records came around, they were going to be the end of live music. Nobody would ever want to go see live music again.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
We do want to be diverted and be interested and be provoked by popular culture - by art, if we're lucky. And it's amazing how often people have lost sight of this.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
Probably the worst thing that ever happened to the movies was the megahit.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
There are storytelling traditions that come from Africa that are unique from anywhere else.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
Each country has its own way of communicating a narrative and, through that, expressing family experiences in emotional stories.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
Just the idea of seeing a type of narrative we've not seen before is a chance to be surprised.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
The title 'Spirited Away' could refer to what Disney has done on a corporate level to the revered Japanese animation director Hayao Miyazaki's epic and marvelous new anime fantasy.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
The picture is being promoted as Disney's 'Spirited Away,' although seeing just 10 minutes of this English version of a hugely popular Japanese film will quickly disabuse any discerning viewer of the notion that it is a Disney creation.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
Mr. Miyazaki's specialty is taking a primal wish of kids, transporting them to a fantasyland, and then marooning them there. No one else conjures the phantasmagoric and shifting morality of dreams - that fascinating and frightening aspect of having something that seems to represent good become evil - in the way this master Japanese animator does.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
It's an oddity that will be avoided by millions of people, this new 'Pinocchio.' Osama bin Laden could attend a showing in Times Square and be confident of remaining hidden.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
It is evident that the grip of 'The Return of the King' on Mr. Jackson is not unlike the grasp the One Ring exerts over Frodo: it's tough for him to let go, which is why the picture feels as if it has an excess of endings. But he can be forgiven. Why not allow him one last extra bow?
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
The film's star, Eminem, doesn't appear to have a great deal of range, but he can play himself. Even though the protagonist is named Jimmy Smith, the thoughtful '8 Mile' is a raw version of the rapper's own story.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
One of a handful of films made in Detroit, '8 Mile' doesn't feature the Motown renaissance that Mayor Coleman A. Young dreamed of in the 1970s. Instead, it's the beaten-down city: 8 Mile refers to the line of demarcation between Detroit and suburban, mostly white Oakland County.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
The idea of Seth Rogen as the Green Hornet so inflaming the fanboy community is amusing, since that group's 20/50 vision also had it tsking its disapproval about Michael Keaton as Batman and Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
When Bruce Lee gets his cameo in 'The Green Hornet' - as one of the drawings in Kato's notebook - it clarifies what the film is: an unrealized sketch. A sketch can afford to allude to a point of view. Moviemakers need to show their point of view, something this shrug of a movie never gets around to doing.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
The stoic drama 'A Somewhat Gentle Man' is photographed in a palate of steel gray tones that match Stellan Skarsgard's complexion. It's a low-blood-pressure version of the kind of thing James M. Cain used to do in his sleep, and its filmmaking accomplishment is as minimalist as its narrative ambition is minimal.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
The kind of filmmaking excitement that director Peter Weir brings to movies is bone deep.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
Natalie Portman's approach to acting demands that she wears her heart on her sleeve so explicitly, the heart becomes the whole garment - a crimson chemise with streaks of blue veins running across it.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
In period films, it always helps to have someone built to carry a sword, and Channing Tatum clearly hasn't missed a workout for the past two years, so he fits the bill in that regard.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
The documentary 'Certifiably Jonathan' has engrossing moments in it. How can it not? It's got a great subject - the extraordinarily voluble comedian Jonathan Winters, whose constant rush of words can be like a blizzard: beautiful, maddening, exhausting, and finally beautiful again. But it's not a great film.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
'Certifiably Jonathan' contrives crises for its subject - a bid to get his paintings into MOMA, among others.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
A stand-up comedian who's assaultive and decent and has managed a career that has spanned over five decades deserves a documentary.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
The pleasantly crude 'Hall Pass' reminds us of what's been missing from movies: Those squirm-inducing moments in comedy that produce enough discomfort that, at points, what we're watching is half a heartbeat away from a horror film.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
The Comedy of Emasculation that Judd Apatow and his disciples have made into a separate economy was invented by the Farrelly brothers, 'Kingpin' being the strongest version of that.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
It is fun to see a comedy in which every single joke hasn't been packed into the trailer.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
In 'The Adjustment Bureau,' Damon shows movie-star concentration as David Norris, a politician whose world ambitions hit a pothole when his angry streak becomes public.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
Duncan Jones has skills; he's an architect of emotional dislocation.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
Who would ever have thought that Robert Ludlum would have become the father of modern action cinema?
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
When a director shifts gears as often as does Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, the man behind the emotionally rich debut film 'Amores Perros,' you may wonder if he knows what he wants.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
In his very first film, Mr. Gonzalez Inarritu makes the kind of journey some directors don't - or can't - travel in an entire career.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
If a movie requires the lead actor to spend a good chunk of his onscreen time talking to himself, and Popeye is unavailable because of contractual disputes, it's hard to do better than Johnny Depp.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
Mike Mignola's 'Hellboy' comics have a drizzly, musty gothic ambience - the same fetid air that H. P. Lovecraft circulated in his fiction.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
In 'Training Day,' Mr. Washington's dry-ice grandeur - the predator's reflexes contrasting with a pensive mouth - deserves regard, and his powerhouse virtuosity will almost guarantee him an Oscar nomination.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
I spend most of my life not wanting to be found, and actually, I'm pretty good at it.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
Selling tickets at the Bing Theater at LACMA was my first job in L.A.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
I dress well. I travel; I seem to be relatively glamorous for a film guy - which, to me, is like being the fastest midget in the circus.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
If somebody wants to attack my work, that's one thing - that, I'll respond to.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
Some people bring their work home with them. You might suppose that Sid Mashburn is one of those guys - the man was born with a name so brand-ready he basically had to become an entrepreneur.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
My style icon has always been Sidney Poitier.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
Real-life conduct aside, LaBeouf, a Los Angeles native, has been working steadily as an actor since he was 12 years old.
- Elvis Mitchell
Image of Elvis Mitchell
Sean Penn has never become the lighter, laughing guy.
- Elvis Mitchell