Ellie Simmonds

Image of Ellie Simmonds
You're never going to lose your sport. It's like riding a bike to be honest.
- Ellie Simmonds
Image of Ellie Simmonds
I didn't enjoy Rio. My team-mates were great but some of the staff made it a really negative place.
- Ellie Simmonds
Image of Ellie Simmonds
I spoke to my parents and my agent a year before Rio. I was like: 'I don't want to do this. I want to get away.' They said: 'Just grit your teeth for a year. Then you can have your break. And if you want to retire, you can retire then.' I was in tears. I just hated it.
- Ellie Simmonds
Image of Ellie Simmonds
I don't watch my Rio races back. I'll look at my London 2012 races a lot. But not Rio.
- Ellie Simmonds
Image of Ellie Simmonds
I'm lucky I've been able to take control, as an older athlete, and pick who I work with.
- Ellie Simmonds
Image of Ellie Simmonds
I'm a Scouts ambassador and I help out with dwarf sports.
- Ellie Simmonds
Image of Ellie Simmonds
I want to go to the Paralympics in Tokyo in 2020 so that's my aim in sport, but what do I want to do after I retire? Do I want to do a normal job? I would like to become a primary school teacher but... it will be totally different.
- Ellie Simmonds
Image of Ellie Simmonds
When I bake, I give it to people because when I'm full-time training, I have to really watch what I eat.
- Ellie Simmonds
Image of Ellie Simmonds
In China they don't mind getting their cameras out, but I try to go with the flow. In countries where there is not so much disability visible on the streets, they want to know who you are and what you are doing.
- Ellie Simmonds